package concpar22final04 import* import akka.testkit.* import akka.pattern.* import akka.util.Timeout import concurrent.duration.* import User.Protocol.* import User.Responses.* import SongsStore.Protocol.* import SongsStore.Responses.* import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import java.util.Date import scala.util.Random class Problem4Suite extends munit.FunSuite: //--- Random.setSeed(42178263) /*+++ Random.setSeed(42) ++*/ test("after receiving GetInfo, should answer with Info (20pts)") { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! GetInfo expectMsg(Info("1", "Ada")) } test( "after receiving GetHomepageData, should answer with the correct HomepageData when there is no liked songs and no activity items (30pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! GetHomepageData expectMsg(HomepageData(List(), List())) } test( "after receiving Like(1), should add 1 to the list of liked songs (20pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Like(1) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageData expectMsg(HomepageData(List(1), List())) } test( "after receiving Like(1) and then Like(2), the list of liked songs should start with List(2, 1) (20pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Like(1) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(2) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageData expectMsg(HomepageData(List(2, 1), List())) } test( "after receiving Like(1) and then Like(1), song 1 should be in the list of liked songs only once (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Like(1) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(1) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageData expectMsg(HomepageData(List(1), List())) } test( "after receiving Like(1), Like(2) and then Like(1), the list of liked songs should start with List(2, 1) (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Like(1) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(2) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(1) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageData expectMsg(HomepageData(List(2, 1), List())) } test( "after receiving Like(1), Unlike(1) and then Unlike(1), the list of liked songs should not contain song 1 (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Like(1) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(2) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(1) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageData expectMsg(HomepageData(List(2, 1), List())) } test( "after receiving Subscribe(aUser) and then Play(5), should send AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) to aUser (20pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Subscribe(self) expectNoMessage() ada ! Play(5) expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5))) } test( "after receiving Subscribe(aUser), Subscribe(bUser) and then Play(5), should send AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) to aUser (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Subscribe(self) expectNoMessage() val donald = new TestProbe(system) ada ! Subscribe(donald.ref) expectNoMessage() ada ! Play(5) expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5))) donald.expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5))) } test( "after receiving Subscribe(aUser), Subscribe(aUser) and then Play(5), should send AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) to aUser only once (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Subscribe(self) expectNoMessage() ada ! Subscribe(self) expectNoMessage() ada ! Play(5) expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5))) expectNoMessage() } test( "after receiving Subscribe(aUser), Unsubscribe(aUser) and then Play(5), should not send AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) to aUser (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Subscribe(self) expectNoMessage() ada ! Play(5) expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5))) ada ! Unsubscribe(self) expectNoMessage() ada ! Play(5) expectNoMessage() } test( "after receiving AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)), Activity(\"1\", 5) should be in the activity feed (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! AddActivity(Activity("0", "Self", 5)) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageData expectMsg(HomepageData(List(), List(Activity("0", "Self", 5)))) } test( "after receiving AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) and AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 6)), Activity(\"1\", 6) should be in the activity feed and Activity(\"1\", 5) should not (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! AddActivity(Activity("0", "Self", 5)) expectNoMessage() ada ! AddActivity(Activity("0", "Self", 6)) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageData expectMsg(HomepageData(List(), List(Activity("0", "Self", 6)))) } test( "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with a result containing \"Howdy $name!\" where $name is the user's name (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = val name = Random.alphanumeric.take(5).mkString val randomUser = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "5", name, songsStore), "user-5") randomUser ! GetHomepageText expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.contains(f"Howdy $name!") } test( "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct names of liked songs (1) (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Like(8) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(3) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(2) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageText assertEquals( expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator .drop(2) .take(4) .mkString("\n") .trim, """ |Liked Songs: |* Sunny by Boney M. |* J'irai où tu iras by Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman |* Hold the line by TOTO """.stripMargin.trim ) } test( "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct names of liked songs (2) (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Like(9) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(7) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageText assertEquals( expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator .drop(2) .take(3) .mkString("\n") .trim, """ |Liked Songs: |* Straight Edge by Minor Threat |* Anarchy in the UK by Sex Pistols """.stripMargin.trim ) } test( "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct activity feed (1) (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = bob ! Subscribe(ada) expectNoMessage() carol ! Subscribe(ada) expectNoMessage() donald ! Subscribe(ada) expectNoMessage() bob ! Play(3) expectNoMessage() carol ! Play(8) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageText assertEquals( expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator .drop(4) .take(10) .mkString("\n") .trim, """ |Activity Feed: |* Carol is listening to Hold the line by TOTO |* Bob is listening to J'irai où tu iras by Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman """.stripMargin.trim ) } test( "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct activity feed (2) (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = bob ! Subscribe(ada) expectNoMessage() carol ! Subscribe(ada) expectNoMessage() donald ! Subscribe(ada) expectNoMessage() bob ! Play(9) expectNoMessage() carol ! Play(10) expectNoMessage() donald ! Play(6) expectNoMessage() bob ! Play(7) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageText assertEquals( expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator .drop(4) .take(10) .mkString("\n") .trim, """ |Activity Feed: |* Bob is listening to Straight Edge by Minor Threat |* Donald is listening to Désenchantée by Mylène Farmer |* Carol is listening to Breakfast in America by Supertramp """.stripMargin.trim ) } test( "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct text (full test) (10pts)" ) { new MyTestKit: def tests() = ada ! Like(1) expectNoMessage() ada ! Like(2) expectNoMessage() bob ! Subscribe(ada) expectNoMessage() carol ! Subscribe(ada) expectNoMessage() donald ! Subscribe(ada) expectNoMessage() donald ! Play(3) expectNoMessage() bob ! Play(4) expectNoMessage() carol ! Play(5) expectNoMessage() ada ! GetHomepageText assertEquals( expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator .mkString("\n") .trim, """ |Howdy Ada! | |Liked Songs: |* Sunny by Boney M. |* High Hopes by Pink Floyd | |Activity Feed: |* Carol is listening to Strobe by deadmau5 |* Bob is listening to Ce monde est cruel by Vald |* Donald is listening to J'irai où tu iras by Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman """.stripMargin.trim ) } abstract class MyTestKit extends TestKit(ActorSystem("TestSystem")) with ImplicitSender: val songsStore = system.actorOf(Props(MockSongsStore()), "songsStore") def makeAda() = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "1", "Ada", songsStore), "user-1") val ada = makeAda() val bob = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "2", "Bob", songsStore), "user-2") val carol = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "3", "Carol", songsStore), "user-3") val donald = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "4", "Donald", songsStore), "user-4") def tests(): Unit try tests() finally shutdown(system)