package concpar22final03 import scala.concurrent.Future import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Random trait EconomicsTest extends Economics: val ownedCards: collection.mutable.Set[Card] = collection.mutable.Set[Card]() def owned(c: Card): Boolean = ownedCards(c) def isMine(c: Card): Boolean = ownedCards(c) override def valueOf(cardName: String): Int = List(1, cardName.length).max /** This is a container for an exact amount of money that can be hold, spent, * or put in the bank */ val moneyInMoneyBag = collection.mutable.Map[MoneyBag, Int]() def moneyIn(m: MoneyBag): Int = moneyInMoneyBag.getOrElse(m, 0) /** If you sell a card, at some point in the future you will get some money * (in a bag). */ def sellCard(c: Card): Future[MoneyBag] = Future { Thread.sleep(sellWaitTime()) synchronized( if owned(c) then ownedCards.remove(c) getMoneyBag(valueOf( else throw Exception( "This card doesn't belong to you or has already been sold, you can't sell it." ) ) } /** You can buy any "Scala: The Programming" card by providing a bag of money * with the appropriate amount and waiting for the transaction to take place */ def buyCard(bag: MoneyBag, name: String): Future[Card] = Future { Thread.sleep(buyWaitTime()) synchronized { if moneyIn(bag) != valueOf(name) then throw Exception( "You didn't provide the exact amount of money necessary to buy this card." ) else moneyInMoneyBag.update(bag, 0) getCard(name) } } /** This simple bank account hold money for you. You can bring a money bag to * increase your account, or withdraw a money bag of any size not greater * than your account's balance. */ private var balance_ = initialBalance() def balance: Int = balance_ def withdraw(amount: Int): Future[MoneyBag] = Future { Thread.sleep(withdrawWaitTime()) synchronized( if balance_ >= amount then balance_ -= amount getMoneyBag(amount) else throw new Exception( "You try to withdraw more money than you have on your account" ) ) } def deposit(bag: MoneyBag): Future[Unit] = Future { Thread.sleep(depositWaitTime()) synchronized { if moneyInMoneyBag(bag) == 0 then throw new Exception("You are depositing en empty bag!") else balance_ += moneyIn(bag) moneyInMoneyBag.update(bag, 0) } } def sellWaitTime(): Int def buyWaitTime(): Int def withdrawWaitTime(): Int def depositWaitTime(): Int def initialBalance(): Int def getMoneyBag(i: Int) = val m = MoneyBag() synchronized(moneyInMoneyBag.update(m, i)) m def getCard(n: String): Card = val c = Card(n) synchronized(ownedCards.update(c, true)) c