package concpar21final01

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Random

class Problem1MockData extends Problem1:
  def getGrade(sciper: Int): Future[Option[Grade]] =
    Future {
      // In an actual implementation, this is where we would make a call to
      // the GitLab APIs. This mock returns a random grade after a short delay.
      Thread.sleep(15) // GitLab is pretty fast today...
      val rand = new Random(sciper)
      val grade = rand.nextInt(6).toDouble + rand.nextDouble()
      if sciper < 100000 || sciper > 999999 || sciper % 10 == 0 then None
      else Some(Grade(sciper, grade))

  /** Retrieve the list of enrolled students from IS-academia
  def getScipers(): Future[List[Int]] =
    Future {
      List( // A fake list of SCIPER numbers
        301425, 207372, 320658, 300217, 224523, 301068, 331020, 331095, 320270,
        320742, 299310, 300974, 322202, 343357, 302632, 343366, 320229, 269364,
        320004, 321830, 219188, 300834, 320992, 299237, 298016, 300397, 269857,
        300492, 300481, 279254, 320967, 300443, 300329, 300305, 331158, 310402,
        279067, 300682, 259825, 351616, 310869, 301215, 299481, 269375, 351249,
        310866, 351141, 301530, 361378, 351661, 351524, 311081, 331137, 332319,
        301045, 300393, 300308, 310889, 310064, 310841, 351333, 310382, 333887,
        333837, 320832, 321397, 351691, 269125, 312732, 351546, 301783, 351698,
        310775, 331388, 311139, 301992, 301578, 361760, 351174, 310298, 300666,
        259778, 301554, 301278, 301669, 321372, 311347, 321129, 351490, 321189,
        301336, 341560, 331220, 331129, 333927, 279186, 310596, 299135, 279226,
        310507, 269049, 300309, 341524, 351143, 300785, 310612, 320338, 259980,
        269952, 310397, 320246, 310959, 301454, 301835, 301802, 301649, 301170,
        301908, 351708, 321046, 361490, 311070, 351830, 311054, 311912, 301913,
        361232, 301030, 351723, 311472, 311166, 321057, 310793, 269462, 311948,
        321693, 321056, 361765, 301453, 321626, 341490, 320892, 269871, 269580,
        320199, 320908, 320830, 269071, 380542, 253768, 311204, 269127, 351073,
        341327, 301792, 299789, 361424, 301525, 311637, 321423, 279111, 330126,
        310371, 259888, 269525, 299585, 300147, 341402, 330067, 311796, 279037,
        248517, 301436, 269965, 259963, 320720, 248583, 259709, 361204, 341500,
        311803, 299981, 311832, 301088, 259649, 279183, 341760, 311844, 279079,
        390997, 311917, 390999, 361122, 301208, 311538, 272943, 361570, 390959)