diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 8a1f7841bb0ab1d983e8ec880694736e25148fbf..17c7b9cbf505b8a5eb26eb095e584bfeec5ef678 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-image: "sbtscala/scala-sbt:graalvm-ce-22.3.0-b2-java17_1.8.2_3.2.2"
+image: "sbtscala/scala-sbt:graalvm-ce-22.3.0-b2-java17_1.8.3_3.2.2"
   SBT_VERSION: "1.7.1"
diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index f93a9289a63b922e2f82b2c0e10223cea6f86457..d784b6e0d914346162629790e5bde2bb9cb113f4 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -1,14 +1,28 @@
 name := "cs206-demos"
 version := "0.1.2"
-scalaVersion := "3.2.0"
+scalaVersion := "3.2.2"
+val akkaVersion = "2.8.2"
+val logbackVersion = "1.2.11"
 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
   ("com.storm-enroute" %% "scalameter-core" % "0.21").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
   "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parallel-collections" % "1.0.4",
+  "org.scalameta" %% "munit" % "1.0.0-M7" % Test,
   "junit" % "junit" % "4.13" % Test,
   "com.github.sbt" % "junit-interface" % "0.13.3" % Test,
+  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % akkaVersion,
+  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-testkit" % akkaVersion,
+  // SLF4J backend
+  // See https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/logging.html#slf4j-backend
+  "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % logbackVersion
 scalacOptions ++= Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation")
+// Enable debug logging for akka
+//javaOptions ++= Seq("-Dakka.loglevel=Debug", "-Dakka.actor.debug.receive=on")
+Test / fork := true
 Test / parallelExecution := false
 Test / testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit)
diff --git a/project/build.properties b/project/build.properties
index 22af2628c41386225b9b373f5d933a0e69d19e33..72413de151e13ea03d5518fd0b9d8c3116db6ea4 100644
--- a/project/build.properties
+++ b/project/build.properties
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar21final02/Problem2.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar21final02/Problem2.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82529b14e45531ac09cd383875967df92b8ba125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar21final02/Problem2.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+package concpar21final02
+import akka.actor.*
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import akka.testkit.*
+object Problem2:
+  //////////////////////////////
+  //////////////////////////////
+  object NotificationService:
+    enum Protocol:
+      /** Notify all registered actors */
+      case NotifyAll
+      /** Register the actor that sent the `Register` request */
+      case Register //
+      /** Un-register the actor that sent the `Register` request */
+      case UnRegister
+    enum Responses:
+      /** Message sent to an actor when it is notified */
+      case Notification
+      /** Response sent to an actor after a `Register` or `UnRegister` */
+      case Registered(registered: Boolean)
+  class NotificationService extends Actor:
+    import NotificationService.Protocol.*
+    import NotificationService.Responses.*
+    private val registeredUsers = mutable.Set.empty[ActorRef]
+    def receive: Receive = {
+      case Register =>
+        registeredUsers += sender()
+        sender() ! Registered(true)
+      case UnRegister =>
+        registeredUsers -= sender()
+        sender() ! Registered(false)
+      case NotifyAll =>
+        for user <- registeredUsers do user ! Notification
+    }
+  /////////////////////////
+  //   DISCORD CHANNEL   //
+  /////////////////////////
+  object DiscordChannel:
+    enum Protocol:
+      /** Post a message in the channel */
+      case Post(msg: String)
+      /** Ask for the list of most recent posts starting from the most recent
+        * one. The list must have at most `limit` posts.
+        */
+      case GetLastPosts(limit: Int)
+      /** Activates the service channel using the provided notification service.
+        */
+      case Init(notificationService: ActorRef)
+    enum Responses:
+      /** Response to `GetLastPosts` if active */
+      case Posts(msgs: List[String])
+      /** Response after `Init` if non-active */
+      case Active
+      /** Response `Post` and `GetLastPosts` if non-active */
+      case NotActive
+      /** Response after `Init` if active */
+      case AlreadyActive
+  class DiscordChannel extends Actor:
+    import DiscordChannel.Protocol.*
+    import DiscordChannel.Responses.*
+    import NotificationService.Protocol.*
+    private var messages: List[String] = Nil
+    def receive: Receive = nonActive
+    def nonActive: Receive = {
+      case Init(service) =>
+        context.become(active(service))
+        sender() ! Active
+      case Post(_) | GetLastPosts(_) =>
+        sender() ! NotActive
+    }
+    def active(notificationService: ActorRef): Receive = {
+      case Post(msg) =>
+        messages = msg :: messages
+        notificationService ! NotifyAll
+      case GetLastPosts(limit) =>
+        sender() ! Posts(messages.take(limit))
+      case Init(_) =>
+        sender() ! AlreadyActive
+    }
+//        DEBUG        //
+/** Infrastructure to help debugging. In sbt use `run` to execute this code. The
+  * TestKit is an actor that can send messages and check the messages it
+  * receives (or not).
+  */
+@main def debug() = new TestKit(ActorSystem("DebugSystem")) with ImplicitSender:
+  import Problem2.*
+  import DiscordChannel.Protocol.*
+  import DiscordChannel.Responses.*
+  import NotificationService.Protocol.*
+  import NotificationService.Responses.*
+  import concurrent.duration.*
+  try
+    val notificationService = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+    val channel = system.actorOf(Props[DiscordChannel]())
+    notificationService ! NotifyAll
+    expectNoMessage(
+      200.millis
+    ) // expects no message is received in the next 200 milliseconds
+    notificationService ! Register
+    expectMsg(
+      200.millis,
+      Registered(true)
+    ) // expects to receive `Registered(true)` in the next 200 milliseconds
+  finally shutdown(system)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/FileSystem.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/FileSystem.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..356e2a6e42f7fec83467b82b40fab6fa83bb9dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/FileSystem.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package concpar21final03
+import instrumentation.*
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
+type FileName = String
+/** An API for manipulating files. */
+trait FileSystem:
+  /** Create a new file named `file` with the passed `content`. */
+  def createFile(file: FileName, content: String): Unit
+  /** If `file` exists, return its content, otherwise crashes. */
+  def readFile(file: FileName): String
+  /** If `file` exists, delete it, otherwise crash. */
+  def deleteFile(file: FileName): Unit
+end FileSystem
+/** An in-memory file system for testing purposes implemented using a Map.
+  *
+  * Every method in this class is thread-safe.
+  */
+class InMemoryFileSystem extends FileSystem:
+  val fsMap: mutable.Map[FileName, String] = TrieMap()
+  def createFile(file: FileName, content: String): Unit =
+    assert(!fsMap.contains(file), s"$file already exists")
+    fsMap(file) = content
+  def readFile(file: FileName): String =
+    fsMap.get(file) match
+      case Some(content) => content
+      case None          => assert(false, s"Attempt to read non-existing $file")
+  def deleteFile(file: FileName): Unit =
+    fsMap.remove(file)
+end InMemoryFileSystem
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/RCU.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/RCU.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8bfe685e22528da4c61b8b711ecd25951b5401b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/RCU.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package concpar21final03
+import instrumentation.*
+/** A synchronization mechanism allowing multiple reads to proceed concurrently
+  * with an update to the state.
+  */
+class RCU extends Monitor:
+  protected val latestVersion: AtomicLong = AtomicLong(0)
+  protected val readersVersion: ThreadMap[Long] = ThreadMap()
+  /** This method must be called before accessing shared data for reading. */
+  def startRead(): Unit =
+    assert(
+      !readersVersion.currentThreadHasValue,
+      "startRead() cannot be called multiple times without an intervening stopRead()"
+    )
+    readersVersion.setCurrentThreadValue(latestVersion.get)
+  /** Once a thread which has previously called `startRead` has finished reading
+    * shared data, it must call this method.
+    */
+  def stopRead(): Unit =
+    assert(
+      readersVersion.currentThreadHasValue,
+      "stopRead() cannot be called without a preceding startRead()"
+    )
+    readersVersion.deleteCurrentThreadValue()
+  /** Wait until all reads started before this method was called have finished,
+    * then return.
+    */
+  def waitForOldReads(): Unit =
+    val newVersion = latestVersion.incrementAndGet()
+    readersVersion.waitForall(_ >= newVersion)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/ThreadMap.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/ThreadMap.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d728247cfc00bc5f3e60e8575ed69508b26a40cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/ThreadMap.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+package concpar21final03
+import instrumentation.*
+import scala.collection.mutable
+/** A map which associates every thread to at most one value of type A.
+  *
+  * Every method in this class is thread-safe.
+  */
+class ThreadMap[A] extends Monitor:
+  protected val theMap: mutable.Map[Thread, A] = mutable.Map()
+  /** Return the value in the map entry for the current thread if it exists,
+    * otherwise None.
+    */
+  def currentThreadValue: Option[A] = synchronized {
+    theMap.get(Thread.currentThread)
+  }
+  /** Is there a map entry for the current thread? */
+  def currentThreadHasValue: Boolean =
+    synchronized {
+      theMap.contains(Thread.currentThread)
+    }
+  /** Set the map entry of the current thread to `value` and notify any thread
+    * waiting on `waitForall`.
+    */
+  def setCurrentThreadValue(value: A): Unit =
+    synchronized {
+      theMap(Thread.currentThread) = value
+      notifyAll()
+    }
+  /** Delete the map entry associated with this thread (if it exists) and notify
+    * all threads waiting in `waitForall`.
+    */
+  def deleteCurrentThreadValue(): Unit =
+    synchronized {
+      theMap.remove(Thread.currentThread)
+      notifyAll()
+    }
+  /** Wait until `predicate` returns true for all map entries, then return. */
+  def waitForall(predicate: A => Boolean): Unit =
+    synchronized {
+      while !theMap.forall((_, value) => predicate(value)) do wait()
+    }
+end ThreadMap
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/UpdateServer.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/UpdateServer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a6c59fedd2f112ad1dc6fa98784b951c7baaee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/UpdateServer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package concpar21final03
+import instrumentation.*
+class UpdateServer(fs: FileSystem) extends Monitor:
+  val rcu = new RCU
+  /** The name of the file containing the latest update.
+    *
+    * This is `@volatile` to guarantee that `fetchUpdate` always sees the latest
+    * filename.
+    */
+  @volatile private var updateFile: Option[FileName] = None
+  /** Return the content of the latest update if one is available, otherwise
+    * None.
+    *
+    * This method is thread-safe.
+    */
+  def fetchUpdate(): Option[String] =
+    // TODO: use `rcu`
+    rcu.startRead()
+    val value = updateFile.map(fs.readFile)
+    rcu.stopRead()
+    value
+  /** Define a new update, more precisely this will:
+    *   - Create a new update file called `newName` with content `newContent`
+    *   - Ensure that any future call to `fetchUpdate` returns the new update
+    *     content.
+    *   - Delete the old update file.
+    *
+    * This method is _NOT_ thread-safe, it cannot be safely called from multiple
+    * threads at once.
+    */
+  def newUpdate(newName: FileName, newContent: String): Unit =
+    // TODO: use `rcu`
+    val oldFile = updateFile
+    fs.createFile(newName, newContent)
+    updateFile = Some(newName)
+    rcu.waitForOldReads()
+    oldFile.foreach(fs.deleteFile)
+end UpdateServer
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/AtomicLong.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/AtomicLong.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83389517581463c2a6a3895ef9a82611ef723bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/AtomicLong.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package concpar21final03.instrumentation
+/** A long value that may be updated atomically. */
+class AtomicLong(initial: Long):
+  private val atomic = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong(initial)
+  /** Get the current value. */
+  def get: Long = atomic.get()
+  /** Set to the given `value`. */
+  def set(value: Long): Unit = atomic.set(value)
+  /** Atomically increment by one the current value and return the _original_
+    * value.
+    */
+  def getAndIncrement(): Long =
+    atomic.getAndIncrement()
+  /** Atomically increment by one the current value and return the _updated_
+    * value.
+    */
+  def incrementAndGet(): Long =
+    atomic.incrementAndGet()
+  /** Atomically set the value to `newValue` if the current value == `expected`.
+    *
+    * Return true if successful, otherwise return false to indicate that the
+    * actual value was not equal to the expected value.
+    */
+  def compareAndSet(expected: Long, newValue: Long): Boolean =
+    atomic.compareAndSet(expected, newValue)
+end AtomicLong
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/Monitor.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/Monitor.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac6f6d2b25276a007b75d042ad8a81be7b620c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/Monitor.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package concpar21final03.instrumentation
+class Dummy
+trait Monitor:
+  implicit val dummy: Dummy = new Dummy
+  def wait()(implicit i: Dummy) = waitDefault()
+  def synchronized[T](e: => T)(implicit i: Dummy) = synchronizedDefault(e)
+  def notify()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyDefault()
+  def notifyAll()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyAllDefault()
+  private val lock = new AnyRef
+  // Can be overridden.
+  def waitDefault(): Unit = lock.wait()
+  def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: => T): T = lock.synchronized(toExecute)
+  def notifyDefault(): Unit = lock.notify()
+  def notifyAllDefault(): Unit = lock.notifyAll()
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final01/Problem1.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final01/Problem1.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09406a1e928a10ab931e956bcfe8499dbc30384e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final01/Problem1.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package concpar22final01
+trait Problem1 extends Lib:
+  class DLLCombinerImplementation extends DLLCombiner:
+    // Copies every other Integer element of data array, starting from the first (index 0), up to the middle
+    def task1(data: Array[Int]) = task {
+      var current = first
+      var i = 0
+      while current != null && i < size / 2 do
+        data(i) = current.value
+        i += 2
+        current = current.getNext2
+    }
+    // Copies every other Integer element of data array, starting from the second, up to the middle
+    def task2(data: Array[Int]) = task {
+      var current = second
+      var i = 1
+      while current != null && i < size / 2 do
+        data(i) = current.value
+        i += 2
+        current = current.getNext2
+    }
+    // Copies every other Integer element of data array, starting from the second to last, up to the middle
+    def task3(data: Array[Int]) = task {
+      var current = secondToLast
+      var i = size - 2
+      while current != null && i >= size / 2 do
+        data(i) = current.value
+        i -= 2
+        current = current.getPrevious2
+    }
+    // Copies every other Integer element of data array, starting from the last, up to the middle
+    // This is executed on the current thread.
+    def task4(data: Array[Int]) =
+      var current = last
+      var i = size - 1
+      while current != null && i >= size / 2 do
+        data(i) = current.value
+        i -= 2
+        current = current.getPrevious2
+    def result(): Array[Int] =
+      val data = new Array[Int](size)
+      val t1 = task1(data)
+      val t2 = task2(data)
+      val t3 = task3(data)
+      task4(data)
+      t1.join()
+      t2.join()
+      t3.join()
+      data
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final01/lib.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final01/lib.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64839702a2cb4da9839fa288aae3c442e4c65ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final01/lib.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package concpar22final01
+import java.util.concurrent.*
+import scala.util.DynamicVariable
+trait Lib:
+  class Node(val value: Int):
+    protected var next: Node = null // null for last node.
+    protected var next2: Node = null // null for last node.
+    protected var previous: Node = null // null for first node.
+    protected var previous2: Node = null // null for first node.
+    def getNext: Node = next // do NOT use in the result method
+    def getNext2: Node = next2
+    def getPrevious: Node = previous // do NOT use in the result method
+    def getPrevious2: Node = previous2
+    def setNext(n: Node): Unit = next = n
+    def setNext2(n: Node): Unit = next2 = n
+    def setPrevious(n: Node): Unit = previous = n
+    def setPrevious2(n: Node): Unit = previous2 = n
+  // Simplified Combiner interface
+  // Implements methods += and combine
+  // Abstract methods should be implemented in subclasses
+  abstract class DLLCombiner:
+    var first: Node = null // null for empty lists.
+    var last: Node = null // null for empty lists.
+    var second: Node = null // null for empty lists.
+    var secondToLast: Node = null // null for empty lists.
+    var size: Int = 0
+    // Adds an Integer to this array combiner.
+    def +=(elem: Int): Unit =
+      val node = new Node(elem)
+      if size == 0 then
+        first = node
+        last = node
+        size = 1
+      else
+        last.setNext(node)
+        node.setPrevious(last)
+        node.setPrevious2(last.getPrevious)
+        if size > 1 then last.getPrevious.setNext2(node)
+        else second = node
+        secondToLast = last
+        last = node
+        size += 1
+    // Combines this array combiner and another given combiner in constant O(1) complexity.
+    def combine(that: DLLCombiner): DLLCombiner =
+      if this.size == 0 then that
+      else if that.size == 0 then this
+      else
+        this.last.setNext(that.first)
+        this.last.setNext2(that.first.getNext)
+        if this.last.getPrevious != null then
+          this.last.getPrevious.setNext2(that.first) // important
+        that.first.setPrevious(this.last)
+        that.first.setPrevious2(this.last.getPrevious)
+        if that.first.getNext != null then
+          that.first.getNext.setPrevious2(this.last) // important
+        if this.size == 1 then second = that.first
+        this.size = this.size + that.size
+        this.last = that.last
+        this.secondToLast = that.secondToLast
+        this
+    def task1(data: Array[Int]): ForkJoinTask[Unit]
+    def task2(data: Array[Int]): ForkJoinTask[Unit]
+    def task3(data: Array[Int]): ForkJoinTask[Unit]
+    def task4(data: Array[Int]): Unit
+    def result(): Array[Int]
+  def task[T](body: => T): ForkJoinTask[T]
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/AbstractBarrier.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/AbstractBarrier.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..decdbc9b912db765987efeb8cb78b554156829d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/AbstractBarrier.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package concpar22final02
+import instrumentation.Monitor
+abstract class AbstractBarrier(val numThreads: Int) extends Monitor:
+  var count = numThreads
+  def awaitZero(): Unit
+  def countDown(): Unit
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/Barrier.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/Barrier.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2544261f369f7f7fb02482f635a09dffa882854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/Barrier.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package concpar22final02
+class Barrier(numThreads: Int) extends AbstractBarrier(numThreads):
+  def awaitZero(): Unit =
+    synchronized {
+      while count > 0 do wait()
+    }
+  def countDown(): Unit =
+    synchronized {
+      count -= 1
+      if count <= 0 then notifyAll()
+    }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/ImageLib.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/ImageLib.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..049e2efa3d404518397aed55cb7fe33116b6bbf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/ImageLib.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package concpar22final02
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+class ImageLib(size: Int):
+  val buffer1: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = ArrayBuffer.fill(size, size)(1)
+  val buffer2: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = ArrayBuffer.fill(size, size)(0)
+  enum Filter(val kernel: Array[Array[Int]]):
+    case Outline extends Filter(Array(
+          Array(-1, -1, -1),
+          Array(-1, 8, -1),
+          Array(-1, -1, -1)
+        ))
+    case Sharpen extends Filter(Array(
+          Array(0, -1, 0),
+          Array(-1, 5, -1),
+          Array(0, -1, 0)
+        ))
+    case Emboss
+        extends Filter(Array(Array(-2, -1, 0), Array(-1, 1, 1), Array(0, 1, 2)))
+    case Identity
+        extends Filter(Array(Array(0, 0, 0), Array(0, 1, 0), Array(0, 0, 0)))
+  def init(input: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]]) =
+    for i <- 0 to size - 1 do
+      for j <- 0 to size - 1 do
+        buffer1(i)(j) = input(i)(j)
+  def computeConvolution(
+      kernel: Array[Array[Int]],
+      input: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]],
+      row: Int,
+      column: Int
+  ): Int =
+    val displacement = Array(-1, 0, 1)
+    var output = 0
+    for i <- 0 to 2 do
+      for j <- 0 to 2 do
+        val newI = row + displacement(i)
+        val newJ = column + displacement(j)
+        if newI < 0 || newI >= size || newJ < 0 || newJ >= size then output += 0
+        else output += (kernel(i)(j) * input(newI)(newJ))
+    output
+  def applyFilter(
+      kernel: Array[Array[Int]],
+      input: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]],
+      output: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]],
+      row: Int
+  ): Unit =
+    for i <- 0 to input(row).size - 1 do
+      output(row)(i) = computeConvolution(kernel, input, row, i)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/Problem2.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/Problem2.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5041e8632950bec60c7e5882b8a1c6e1e53b3562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/Problem2.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package concpar22final02
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+class Problem2(imageSize: Int, numThreads: Int, numFilters: Int):
+  val barrier: ArrayBuffer[Barrier] =
+    ArrayBuffer.fill(numFilters)(Barrier(numThreads))
+  val imageLib: ImageLib = ImageLib(imageSize)
+  def imagePipeline(
+      filters: Array[imageLib.Filter],
+      rows: Array[Int]
+  ): ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] =
+    for i <- 0 to filters.size - 1 do
+      for j <- 0 to rows.size - 1 do
+        if i % 2 == 0 then
+          imageLib.applyFilter(
+            filters(i).kernel,
+            imageLib.buffer1,
+            imageLib.buffer2,
+            rows(j)
+          )
+        else
+          imageLib.applyFilter(
+            filters(i).kernel,
+            imageLib.buffer2,
+            imageLib.buffer1,
+            rows(j)
+          )
+      barrier(i).countDown()
+      barrier(i).awaitZero()
+    if filters.size % 2 == 0 then imageLib.buffer1
+    else imageLib.buffer2
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/Monitor.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/Monitor.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a829ec7ad708b05fa6d7f6b82550e9ce6b234757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/Monitor.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package concpar22final02.instrumentation
+class Dummy
+trait Monitor:
+  implicit val dummy: Dummy = new Dummy
+  def wait()(implicit i: Dummy) = waitDefault()
+  def synchronized[T](e: => T)(implicit i: Dummy) = synchronizedDefault(e)
+  def notify()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyDefault()
+  def notifyAll()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyAllDefault()
+  private val lock = new AnyRef
+  // Can be overriden.
+  def waitDefault(): Unit = lock.wait()
+  def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: => T): T = lock.synchronized(toExecute)
+  def notifyDefault(): Unit = lock.notify()
+  def notifyAllDefault(): Unit = lock.notifyAll()
+trait LockFreeMonitor extends Monitor:
+  override def waitDefault() =
+    throw new Exception("Please use lock-free structures and do not use wait()")
+  override def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: => T): T =
+    throw new Exception(
+      "Please use lock-free structures and do not use synchronized()"
+    )
+  override def notifyDefault() =
+    throw new Exception(
+      "Please use lock-free structures and do not use notify()"
+    )
+  override def notifyAllDefault() =
+    throw new Exception(
+      "Please use lock-free structures and do not use notifyAll()"
+    )
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/Stats.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/Stats.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd2dcc801bec50562d068c775b188bab042d98b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/Stats.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
+package concpar22final02.instrumentation
+import java.lang.management.*
+/** A collection of methods that can be used to collect run-time statistics */
+object Stats:
+  def timed[T](code: => T)(cont: Long => Unit): T =
+    var t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
+    val r = code
+    cont((System.currentTimeMillis() - t1))
+    r
+  def withTime[T](code: => T): (T, Long) =
+    var t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
+    val r = code
+    (r, (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final03/Economics.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final03/Economics.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec01f6d6c1c41705368f1d06a22c2b81dec3ce60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final03/Economics.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package concpar22final03
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import scala.util.Random
+trait Economics:
+  /** A trading card from the game Scala: The Programming. We can own a card,
+    * but once don't anymore.
+    */
+  final class Card(val name: String)
+  def isMine(c: Card): Boolean
+  /** This function uses the best available database to return the sell value of
+    * a card on the market.
+    */
+  def valueOf(cardName: String): Int = List(1, cardName.length).max
+  /** This method represents an exact amount of money that can be hold, spent,
+    * or put in the bank
+    */
+  final class MoneyBag()
+  def moneyIn(m: MoneyBag): Int
+  /** If you sell a card, at some point in the future you will get some money
+    * (in a bag).
+    */
+  def sellCard(c: Card): Future[MoneyBag]
+  /** You can buy any "Scala: The Programming" card by providing a bag of money
+    * with the appropriate amount and waiting for the transaction to take place.
+    * You will own the returned card.
+    */
+  def buyCard(money: MoneyBag, name: String): Future[Card]
+  /** This simple bank account holds money for you. You can bring a money bag to
+    * increase your account's balance, or withdraw a money bag of any size not
+    * greater than your account's balance.
+    */
+  def balance: Int
+  def withdraw(amount: Int): Future[MoneyBag]
+  def deposit(bag: MoneyBag): Future[Unit]
+  class NotEnoughMoneyException
+      extends Exception("Not enough money provided to buy those cards")
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final03/Problem3.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final03/Problem3.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e68988c244a3aa6dfef76758e11b8d90486cb004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final03/Problem3.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package concpar22final03
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+trait Problem3:
+  val economics: Economics
+  import economics.*
+  /** The objective is to propose a service of deck building. People come to you
+    * with some money and some cards they want to sell, and you need to return
+    * them a complete deck of the cards they want.
+    */
+  def orderDeck(
+      bag: MoneyBag,
+      cardsToSell: List[Card],
+      wantedDeck: List[String]
+  ): Future[List[Card]] =
+    Future {
+      val totalGivenMoney =
+        cardsToSell.foldLeft(moneyIn(bag))((sum, c) => sum + valueOf(c.name))
+      val totalNeededMoney =
+        wantedDeck.foldLeft(0)((sum, n) => sum + valueOf(n))
+      if totalGivenMoney < totalNeededMoney then
+        throw new NotEnoughMoneyException()
+      val soldCards: Future[Unit] =
+        if moneyIn(bag) != 0 then
+          sellListOfCards(cardsToSell).zip(deposit(bag)).map(_ => ())
+        else sellListOfCards(cardsToSell).map(_ => ())
+      soldCards.flatMap { _ => buyListOfCards(wantedDeck) }
+    }.flatten
+  /** This helper function will sell the provided list of cards and put the
+    * money on your personal bank account. It returns a Future of Unit, which
+    * indicates when all sales are completed.
+    */
+  def sellListOfCards(cardsToSell: List[Card]): Future[Unit] =
+    val moneyFromSales: List[Future[Unit]] = cardsToSell.map { c =>
+      sellCard(c).flatMap(m => deposit(m).map { _ => })
+    }
+    Future
+      .sequence(moneyFromSales)
+      .map(_ =>
+        ()
+      ) // Future.sequence transforms a List[Future[A]] into a Future[List[A]]
+  /** This helper function, given a list of wanted card names and assuming there
+    * is enough money in the bank account, will buy (in the future) those cards,
+    * and return them.
+    */
+  def buyListOfCards(wantedDeck: List[String]): Future[List[Card]] =
+    val boughtCards: List[Future[Card]] = wantedDeck.map { name =>
+      withdraw(valueOf(name)).flatMap(mb => buyCard(mb, name))
+    }
+    Future.sequence(boughtCards)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/concpar22final04/Problem4.scala b/src/main/scala/concpar22final04/Problem4.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2b1dade8a20b15b7ce034623b7a9be36f5b545c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/concpar22final04/Problem4.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+package concpar22final04
+import akka.actor.*
+import akka.testkit.*
+import java.util.Date
+import akka.event.LoggingReceive
+import akka.pattern.*
+import akka.util.Timeout
+import concurrent.duration.*
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
+given timeout: Timeout = Timeout(200.millis)
+/** Data associated with a song: a unique `id`, a `title` and an `artist`.
+  */
+case class Song(id: Int, title: String, artist: String)
+/** An activity in a user's activity feed, representing that `userRef` is
+  * listening to `songId`.
+  */
+case class Activity(userId: String, userName: String, songId: Int)
+/** Companion object of the `User` class.
+  */
+object User:
+  /** Messages that can be sent to User actors.
+    */
+  enum Protocol:
+    /** Asks for a user name and id. Should be answered by a Response.Info.
+      */
+    case GetInfo
+    /** Asks home page data. Should be answered by a Response.HomepageData.
+      */
+    case GetHomepageData
+    /** Like song with id `songId`.
+      */
+    case Like(songId: Int)
+    /** Unlike song with id `songId`.
+      */
+    case Unlike(songId: Int)
+    /** Adds `subscriber` to the list of subscribers.
+      */
+    case Subscribe(subscriber: ActorRef)
+    /** Remove `subscriber` from the list of subscribers.
+      */
+    case Unsubscribe(subscriber: ActorRef)
+    /** Adds the activity `activity` to the activity feed. This message will be
+      * sent by the users this user has subscribed to.
+      */
+    case AddActivity(activity: Activity)
+    /** Sent when a user starts playing a song with id `songId`. The recipient
+      * should notify all its subscribers to update their activity feeds by
+      * sending them `AddActivity(Activity(...))` messages. No answer is
+      * expected. This message is sent by external actors.
+      */
+    case Play(songId: Int)
+    /** Asks for home page text. Should be answered by a Response.HomepageText.
+      */
+    case GetHomepageText
+  /** Responses that can be sent back from User actors.
+    */
+  enum Responses:
+    /** Answer to a Protocol.GetInfo message
+      */
+    case Info(id: String, name: String)
+    /** Answer to a Protocol.GetHomepageData message
+      */
+    case HomepageData(songIds: List[Int], activities: List[Activity])
+    /** Answer to a Protocol.GetHomepageText message
+      */
+    case HomepageText(result: String)
+/** The `User` actor, responsible to handle `User.Protocol` messages.
+  */
+class User(id: String, name: String, songsStore: ActorRef) extends Actor:
+  import User.*
+  import User.Protocol.*
+  import User.Responses.*
+  import SongsStore.Protocol.*
+  import SongsStore.Responses.*
+  given ExecutionContext = context.system.dispatcher
+  /** Liked songs, by reverse date of liking time (the last liked song must be
+    * the first must be the first element of the list). Elements of this list
+    * must be unique: a song can only be liked once. Liking a song twice should
+    * not change the order.
+    */
+  var likedSongs: List[Int] = List()
+  /** Users who have subscribed to this users.
+    */
+  var subscribers: Set[ActorRef] = Set()
+  /** Activity feed, by reverse date of activity time (the last added activity
+    * must be the first element of the list). Items in this list should be
+    * unique by `userRef`. If a new activity with a `userRef` already in the
+    * list is added, the former should be removed, so that we always see the
+    * latest activity for each user we have subscribed to.
+    */
+  var activityFeed: List[Activity] = List()
+  /** This actor's behavior. */
+  override def receive: Receive = LoggingReceive {
+    case GetInfo =>
+      sender() ! Info(id, name)
+    case GetHomepageData =>
+      sender() ! HomepageData(likedSongs, activityFeed)
+    case Like(songId) if !likedSongs.contains(songId) =>
+      likedSongs = songId :: likedSongs
+    case Unlike(songId) =>
+      likedSongs = likedSongs.filter(_ != songId)
+    case Subscribe(ref: ActorRef) =>
+      subscribers = subscribers + ref
+    case Unsubscribe(ref: ActorRef) =>
+      subscribers = subscribers - ref
+    case AddActivity(activity: Activity) =>
+      activityFeed =
+        activity :: activityFeed.filter(_.userId != activity.userId)
+    case Play(songId) =>
+      subscribers.foreach(_ ! AddActivity(Activity(id, name, songId)))
+    case GetHomepageText =>
+      val likedSongsFuture: Future[Songs] =
+        (songsStore ? GetSongs(likedSongs)).mapTo[Songs]
+      val activitySongsFuture: Future[Songs] =
+        (songsStore ? GetSongs(activityFeed.map(_.songId))).mapTo[Songs]
+      val response: Future[HomepageText] =
+        for
+          likedSongs <- likedSongsFuture;
+          activitySongs <- activitySongsFuture
+        yield HomepageText(
+          f"""
+          |Howdy ${name}!
+          |
+          |Liked Songs:
+          |${likedSongs.songs
+              .map(song => f"* ${song.title} by ${song.artist}")
+              .mkString("\n")}
+          |
+          |Activity Feed:
+          |${activityFeed
+              .zip(activitySongs.songs)
+              .map((activity, song) =>
+                f"* ${activity.userName} is listening to ${song.title} by ${song.artist}"
+              )
+              .mkString("\n")}""".stripMargin.trim
+        )
+      response.pipeTo(sender())
+  }
+/** Objects containing the messages a songs store should handle.
+  */
+object SongsStore:
+  /** Ask information about a list of songs by their ids.
+    */
+  enum Protocol:
+    case GetSongs(songIds: List[Int])
+  /** List of `Song` corresponding to the list of IDs given to `GetSongs`.
+    */
+  enum Responses:
+    case Songs(songs: List[Song])
+/** A mock implementation of a songs store.
+  */
+class MockSongsStore extends Actor:
+  import SongsStore.Protocol.*
+  import SongsStore.Responses.*
+  import SongsStore.*
+  val songsDB = Map(
+    1 -> Song(1, "High Hopes", "Pink Floyd"),
+    2 -> Song(2, "Sunny", "Boney M."),
+    3 -> Song(3, "J'irai où tu iras", "Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman"),
+    4 -> Song(4, "Ce monde est cruel", "Vald"),
+    5 -> Song(5, "Strobe", "deadmau5"),
+    6 -> Song(6, "Désenchantée", "Mylène Farmer"),
+    7 -> Song(7, "Straight Edge", "Minor Threat"),
+    8 -> Song(8, "Hold the line", "TOTO"),
+    9 -> Song(9, "Anarchy in the UK", "Sex Pistols"),
+    10 -> Song(10, "Breakfast in America", "Supertramp")
+  )
+  override def receive: Receive = LoggingReceive { case GetSongs(songsIds) =>
+    sender() ! Songs(songsIds.map(songsDB))
+  }
+//        DEBUG        //
+/** Infrastructure to help debugging. In sbt use `run` to execute this code. The
+  * TestKit is an actor that can send messages and check the messages it
+  * receives (or not).
+  */
+@main def debug() = new TestKit(ActorSystem("DebugSystem")) with ImplicitSender:
+  import User.*
+  import User.Protocol.*
+  import User.Responses.*
+  import SongsStore.Protocol.*
+  import SongsStore.Responses.*
+  try
+    val songsStore = system.actorOf(Props(MockSongsStore()), "songsStore")
+    val anita = system.actorOf(Props(User("100", "Anita", songsStore)))
+    anita ! Like(6)
+    expectNoMessage() // expects no message is received
+    anita ! GetHomepageData
+    expectMsg(HomepageData(List(6), List()))
+  finally shutdown(system)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/lecture6/05-DiningPhilosophers.scala b/src/main/scala/lecture6/05-DiningPhilosophers.scala
index c83fc4d15eca47302e540d98e4ae3854c5272938..8bd4b3069fed02d2975f14ec27918bfa009d7938 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/lecture6/05-DiningPhilosophers.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/lecture6/05-DiningPhilosophers.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ def philosopherTurn(i: Int, l: Fork, r: Fork): Unit =
   var (left, right) =
-    if i % 2 == 0 then (l, r) else (r, l)
+    if i % 2 == 0 then (l, r)
+    else (r, l)
     // if l.index < r.index then (l, r) else (r, l)
   left.synchronized {
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar21final02/Problem2Suite.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar21final02/Problem2Suite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0aa9f2c9b48a00849561f4187be5d32f07c1810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar21final02/Problem2Suite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+package concpar21final02
+import akka.actor.*
+import akka.testkit.*
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import concurrent.duration.*
+import Problem2.*
+class Problem2Suite extends munit.FunSuite:
+  import NotificationService.Protocol.*
+  import NotificationService.Responses.*
+  import DiscordChannel.Protocol.*
+  import DiscordChannel.Responses.*
+  test("Notification register (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val actor = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+        actor ! Register
+        expectMsg(Registered(true))
+  }
+  test("Notification register and un-register (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val actor = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+        actor ! Register
+        expectMsg(Registered(true))
+        actor ! UnRegister
+        expectMsg(Registered(false))
+        actor ! UnRegister
+        expectMsg(Registered(false))
+        actor ! Register
+        expectMsg(Registered(true))
+        actor ! UnRegister
+        expectMsg(Registered(false))
+  }
+  test("Notification notify (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val actor = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+        actor ! Register
+        expectMsg(Registered(true))
+        actor ! NotifyAll
+        expectMsg(Notification)
+        actor ! NotifyAll
+        expectMsg(Notification)
+        actor ! UnRegister
+        expectMsg(Registered(false))
+        actor ! NotifyAll
+        expectNoMessage()
+        actor ! Register
+        expectMsg(Registered(true))
+        actor ! NotifyAll
+        expectMsg(Notification)
+        actor ! UnRegister
+        expectMsg(Registered(false))
+        actor ! NotifyAll
+        expectNoMessage()
+  }
+  test("NotifyAll from other actor (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val actor = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+        val otherActor = system.actorOf(Props[DummyActor]())
+        def notifyFormAllFromOtherActor() =
+          given ActorRef = otherActor
+          actor ! NotifyAll
+        expectNoMessage()
+        actor ! Register
+        expectMsg(Registered(true))
+        notifyFormAllFromOtherActor()
+        expectMsg(Notification)
+  }
+  test("Channel init (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val notificationService = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+        val channel = system.actorOf(Props[DiscordChannel]())
+        channel ! Init(notificationService)
+        expectMsg(Active)
+  }
+  test("Channel post and get post (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val notificationService = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+        val channel = system.actorOf(Props[DiscordChannel]())
+        channel ! Init(notificationService)
+        expectMsg(Active)
+        channel ! Post("hello")
+        channel ! GetLastPosts(1)
+        expectMsg(Posts(List("hello")))
+        channel ! GetLastPosts(10)
+        expectMsg(Posts(List("hello")))
+        channel ! GetLastPosts(0)
+        expectMsg(Posts(Nil))
+  }
+  test("Channel multiple posts (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val notificationService = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+        val channel = system.actorOf(Props[DiscordChannel]())
+        channel ! Init(notificationService)
+        expectMsg(Active)
+        channel ! Post("hello")
+        channel ! Post("world")
+        channel ! GetLastPosts(2)
+        channel ! GetLastPosts(1)
+        channel ! Post("!")
+        channel ! GetLastPosts(3)
+        expectMsg(Posts(List("world", "hello")))
+        expectMsg(Posts(List("world")))
+        expectMsg(Posts(List("!", "world", "hello")))
+  }
+  test("Channel posts and notify (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val notificationService = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+        val channel = system.actorOf(Props[DiscordChannel]())
+        channel ! Init(notificationService)
+        expectMsg(Active)
+        notificationService ! Register
+        expectMsg(Registered(true))
+        channel ! Post("hello")
+        channel ! Post("world")
+        expectMsg(Notification)
+        expectMsg(Notification)
+  }
+  test("Channel init twice (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val notificationService = system.actorOf(Props[NotificationService]())
+        val channel = system.actorOf(Props[DiscordChannel]())
+        channel ! Init(notificationService)
+        expectMsg(Active)
+        channel ! Init(notificationService)
+        expectMsg(AlreadyActive)
+        channel ! Init(notificationService)
+        expectMsg(AlreadyActive)
+  }
+  test("Channel not active (1pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val channel1 = system.actorOf(Props[DiscordChannel]())
+        channel1 ! Post("hello")
+        expectMsg(NotActive)
+        val channel2 = system.actorOf(Props[DiscordChannel]())
+        channel2 ! GetLastPosts(0)
+        expectMsg(NotActive)
+  }
+  abstract class MyTestKit
+      extends TestKit(ActorSystem("TestSystem"))
+      with ImplicitSender:
+    def tests(): Unit
+    try tests()
+    finally shutdown(system)
+class DummyActor extends Actor:
+  def receive: Receive = { case _ =>
+    ()
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/Problem3Suite.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/Problem3Suite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4b0b8ff6d8255dafcd3244bd974956adea8a467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/Problem3Suite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+package concpar21final03
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.concurrent.*
+import scala.concurrent.duration.*
+import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
+import scala.util.Random
+import instrumentation.*
+import instrumentation.TestHelper.*
+import instrumentation.TestUtils.*
+class Problem3Suite extends munit.FunSuite:
+  test("Part 1: ThreadMap (3pts)") {
+    testManySchedules(
+      4,
+      sched =>
+        val tmap = new SchedulableThreadMap[Int](sched)
+        def writeThread(): Unit =
+          tmap.setCurrentThreadValue(0)
+          tmap.setCurrentThreadValue(-1)
+          val readBack = tmap.currentThreadValue
+          assertEquals(readBack, Some(-1))
+        def writeAndDeleteThread(): Unit =
+          tmap.setCurrentThreadValue(42)
+          tmap.deleteCurrentThreadValue()
+        @tailrec
+        def waitThread(): Unit =
+          tmap.waitForall(_ < 0)
+          val all = tmap.allValues
+          if all != List(-1) then waitThread()
+        val threads = List(
+          () => writeThread(),
+          () => writeAndDeleteThread(),
+          () => waitThread(),
+          () => waitThread()
+        )
+        (threads, _ => (true, ""))
+    )
+  }
+  test("Part 2: RCU (5pts)") {
+    testManySchedules(
+      3,
+      sched =>
+        val rcu = new SchedulableRCU(sched)
+        case class State(
+            value: Int,
+            isDeleted: AtomicLong = SchedulableAtomicLong(0, sched, "isDeleted")
+        )
+        val sharedState =
+          SchedulableAtomicReference(State(0), sched, "sharedState")
+        def readThread(): Unit =
+          rcu.startRead()
+          val state = sharedState.get
+          val stateWasDeleted = state.isDeleted.get != 0
+          assert(
+            !stateWasDeleted,
+            "RCU shared state deleted in the middle of a read."
+          )
+          rcu.stopRead()
+        def writeThread(): Unit =
+          val oldState = sharedState.get
+          sharedState.set(State(oldState.value + 1))
+          rcu.waitForOldReads()
+          oldState.isDeleted.set(1)
+        val threads = List(
+          () => readThread(),
+          () => readThread(),
+          () => writeThread()
+        )
+        (threads, _ => (true, ""))
+    )
+  }
+  test("Part 3: UpdateServer (2pts)") {
+    testManySchedules(
+      3,
+      sched =>
+        val fs = SchedulableInMemoryFileSystem(sched)
+        val server = new SchedulableUpdateServer(sched, fs)
+        def writeThread(): Unit =
+          server.newUpdate("update1.bin", "Update 1")
+          server.newUpdate("update2.bin", "Update 2")
+          assertEquals(fs.fsMap.toSet, Set("update2.bin" -> "Update 2"))
+        def fetchThread(): Unit =
+          val res = server.fetchUpdate()
+          assert(
+            List(None, Some("Update 1"), Some("Update 2")).contains(res),
+            s"fetchUpdate returned unexpected value $res"
+          )
+        val threads = List(
+          () => writeThread(),
+          () => fetchThread(),
+          () => fetchThread()
+        )
+        (threads, _ => (true, ""))
+    )
+  }
+  import scala.concurrent.duration.*
+  override val munitTimeout = 200.seconds
+end Problem3Suite
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/AtomicReference.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/AtomicReference.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..784e02a4f5f197e7a8e1e518e81b267299ae5adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/AtomicReference.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package concpar21final03.instrumentation
+class AtomicReference[T](initial: T):
+  private val atomic =
+    new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference[T](initial)
+  def get: T = atomic.get()
+  def set(value: T): Unit = atomic.set(value)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/MockedMonitor.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/MockedMonitor.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af27165bc0e22a3f8e9e5940f8ec045b42951ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/MockedMonitor.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package concpar21final03.instrumentation
+trait MockedMonitor extends Monitor:
+  def scheduler: Scheduler
+  // Can be overriden.
+  override def waitDefault() =
+    scheduler.log("wait")
+    scheduler updateThreadState Wait(this, scheduler.threadLocks.tail)
+  override def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: => T): T =
+    scheduler.log("synchronized check")
+    val prevLocks = scheduler.threadLocks
+    scheduler updateThreadState Sync(
+      this,
+      prevLocks
+    ) // If this belongs to prevLocks, should just continue.
+    scheduler.log("synchronized -> enter")
+    try toExecute
+    finally
+      scheduler updateThreadState Running(prevLocks)
+      scheduler.log("synchronized -> out")
+  override def notifyDefault() =
+    scheduler mapOtherStates { state =>
+      state match
+        case Wait(lockToAquire, locks) if lockToAquire == this =>
+          SyncUnique(this, state.locks)
+        case e => e
+    }
+    scheduler.log("notify")
+  override def notifyAllDefault() =
+    scheduler mapOtherStates { state =>
+      state match
+        case Wait(lockToAquire, locks) if lockToAquire == this =>
+          Sync(this, state.locks)
+        case SyncUnique(lockToAquire, locks) if lockToAquire == this =>
+          Sync(this, state.locks)
+        case e => e
+    }
+    scheduler.log("notifyAll")
+trait LockFreeMonitor extends Monitor:
+  override def waitDefault() =
+    throw new Exception("Please use lock-free structures and do not use wait()")
+  override def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: => T): T =
+    throw new Exception(
+      "Please use lock-free structures and do not use synchronized()"
+    )
+  override def notifyDefault() =
+    throw new Exception(
+      "Please use lock-free structures and do not use notify()"
+    )
+  override def notifyAllDefault() =
+    throw new Exception(
+      "Please use lock-free structures and do not use notifyAll()"
+    )
+abstract class ThreadState:
+  def locks: Seq[AnyRef]
+trait CanContinueIfAcquiresLock extends ThreadState:
+  def lockToAquire: AnyRef
+case object Start extends ThreadState:
+  def locks: Seq[AnyRef] = Seq.empty
+case object End extends ThreadState:
+  def locks: Seq[AnyRef] = Seq.empty
+case class Wait(lockToAquire: AnyRef, locks: Seq[AnyRef]) extends ThreadState
+case class SyncUnique(lockToAquire: AnyRef, locks: Seq[AnyRef])
+    extends ThreadState
+    with CanContinueIfAcquiresLock
+case class Sync(lockToAquire: AnyRef, locks: Seq[AnyRef])
+    extends ThreadState
+    with CanContinueIfAcquiresLock
+case class Running(locks: Seq[AnyRef]) extends ThreadState
+case class VariableReadWrite(locks: Seq[AnyRef]) extends ThreadState
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/Scheduler.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/Scheduler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9872b4f7793bb08d31efbecfd4ad68de2d367ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/Scheduler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+package concpar21final03.instrumentation
+import java.util.concurrent.*;
+import scala.concurrent.duration.*
+import scala.collection.mutable.*
+import Stats.*
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+sealed abstract class Result
+case class RetVal(rets: List[Any]) extends Result
+case class Except(msg: String, stackTrace: Array[StackTraceElement])
+    extends Result
+case class Timeout(msg: String) extends Result
+/** A class that maintains schedule and a set of thread ids. The schedules are
+  * advanced after an operation of a SchedulableBuffer is performed. Note: the
+  * real schedule that is executed may deviate from the input schedule due to
+  * the adjustments that had to be made for locks
+  */
+class Scheduler(sched: List[Int]):
+  val maxOps =
+    500 // a limit on the maximum number of operations the code is allowed to perform
+  private var schedule = sched
+  private var numThreads = 0
+  private val realToFakeThreadId = Map[Long, Int]()
+  private val opLog =
+    ListBuffer[String]() // a mutable list (used for efficient concat)
+  private val threadStates = Map[Int, ThreadState]()
+  /** Runs a set of operations in parallel as per the schedule. Each operation
+    * may consist of many primitive operations like reads or writes to shared
+    * data structure each of which should be executed using the function `exec`.
+    * @timeout
+    *   in milliseconds
+    * @return
+    *   true - all threads completed on time, false -some tests timed out.
+    */
+  def runInParallel(timeout: Long, ops: List[() => Any]): Result =
+    numThreads = ops.length
+    val threadRes = Array.fill(numThreads) { None: Any }
+    var exception: Option[Except] = None
+    val syncObject = new Object()
+    var completed = new AtomicInteger(0)
+    // create threads
+    val threads = ops.zipWithIndex.map { case (op, i) =>
+      new Thread(
+        new Runnable():
+          def run(): Unit =
+            val fakeId = i + 1
+            setThreadId(fakeId)
+            try
+              updateThreadState(Start)
+              val res = op()
+              updateThreadState(End)
+              threadRes(i) = res
+              // notify the master thread if all threads have completed
+              if completed.incrementAndGet() == ops.length then
+                syncObject.synchronized { syncObject.notifyAll() }
+            catch
+              case e: Throwable
+                  if exception != None => // do nothing here and silently fail
+              case e: Throwable =>
+                log(s"throw ${e.toString}")
+                exception = Some(
+                  Except(
+                    s"Thread $fakeId crashed on the following schedule: \n" + opLog
+                      .mkString("\n"),
+                    e.getStackTrace
+                  )
+                )
+                syncObject.synchronized { syncObject.notifyAll() }
+            // println(s"$fakeId: ${e.toString}")
+            // Runtime.getRuntime().halt(0) //exit the JVM and all running threads (no other way to kill other threads)
+      )
+    }
+    // start all threads
+    threads.foreach(_.start())
+    // wait for all threads to complete, or for an exception to be thrown, or for the time out to expire
+    var remTime = timeout
+    syncObject.synchronized {
+      timed { if completed.get() != ops.length then syncObject.wait(timeout) } {
+        time => remTime -= time
+      }
+    }
+    if exception.isDefined then exception.get
+    else if remTime <= 1
+    then // timeout ? using 1 instead of zero to allow for some errors
+      Timeout(opLog.mkString("\n"))
+    else
+      // every thing executed normally
+      RetVal(threadRes.toList)
+  // Updates the state of the current thread
+  def updateThreadState(state: ThreadState): Unit =
+    val tid = threadId
+    synchronized {
+      threadStates(tid) = state
+    }
+    state match
+      case Sync(lockToAquire, locks) =>
+        if locks.indexOf(lockToAquire) < 0 then waitForTurn
+        else
+          // Re-aqcuiring the same lock
+          updateThreadState(Running(lockToAquire +: locks))
+      case Start      => waitStart()
+      case End        => removeFromSchedule(tid)
+      case Running(_) =>
+      case _          => waitForTurn // Wait, SyncUnique, VariableReadWrite
+  def waitStart(): Unit =
+    // while (threadStates.size < numThreads) {
+    // Thread.sleep(1)
+    // }
+    synchronized {
+      if threadStates.size < numThreads then wait()
+      else notifyAll()
+    }
+  def threadLocks =
+    synchronized {
+      threadStates(threadId).locks
+    }
+  def threadState =
+    synchronized {
+      threadStates(threadId)
+    }
+  def mapOtherStates(f: ThreadState => ThreadState) =
+    val exception = threadId
+    synchronized {
+      for k <- threadStates.keys if k != exception do
+        threadStates(k) = f(threadStates(k))
+    }
+  def log(str: String) =
+    if (realToFakeThreadId contains Thread.currentThread().getId()) then
+      val space = (" " * ((threadId - 1) * 2))
+      val s =
+        space + threadId + ":" + "\n".r.replaceAllIn(str, "\n" + space + "  ")
+      opLog += s
+  /** Executes a read or write operation to a global data structure as per the
+    * given schedule
+    * @param msg
+    *   a message corresponding to the operation that will be logged
+    */
+  def exec[T](
+      primop: => T
+  )(msg: => String, postMsg: => Option[T => String] = None): T =
+    if !(realToFakeThreadId contains Thread.currentThread().getId()) then primop
+    else
+      updateThreadState(VariableReadWrite(threadLocks))
+      val m = msg
+      if m != "" then log(m)
+      if opLog.size > maxOps then
+        throw new Exception(
+          s"Total number of reads/writes performed by threads exceed $maxOps. A possible deadlock!"
+        )
+      val res = primop
+      postMsg match
+        case Some(m) => log(m(res))
+        case None    =>
+      res
+  private def setThreadId(fakeId: Int) = synchronized {
+    realToFakeThreadId(Thread.currentThread.getId) = fakeId
+  }
+  def threadId =
+    try realToFakeThreadId(Thread.currentThread().getId())
+    catch
+      case e: NoSuchElementException =>
+        throw new Exception(
+          "You are accessing shared variables in the constructor. This is not allowed. The variables are already initialized!"
+        )
+  private def isTurn(tid: Int) = synchronized {
+    (!schedule.isEmpty && schedule.head != tid)
+  }
+  def canProceed(): Boolean =
+    val tid = threadId
+    canContinue match
+      case Some((i, state)) if i == tid =>
+        // println(s"$tid: Runs ! Was in state $state")
+        canContinue = None
+        state match
+          case Sync(lockToAquire, locks) =>
+            updateThreadState(Running(lockToAquire +: locks))
+          case SyncUnique(lockToAquire, locks) =>
+            mapOtherStates {
+              _ match
+                case SyncUnique(lockToAquire2, locks2)
+                    if lockToAquire2 == lockToAquire =>
+                  Wait(lockToAquire2, locks2)
+                case e => e
+            }
+            updateThreadState(Running(lockToAquire +: locks))
+          case VariableReadWrite(locks) => updateThreadState(Running(locks))
+        true
+      case Some((i, state)) =>
+        // println(s"$tid: not my turn but $i !")
+        false
+      case None =>
+        false
+  var threadPreference =
+    0 // In the case the schedule is over, which thread should have the preference to execute.
+  /** returns true if the thread can continue to execute, and false otherwise */
+  def decide(): Option[(Int, ThreadState)] =
+    if !threadStates.isEmpty
+    then // The last thread who enters the decision loop takes the decision.
+      // println(s"$threadId: I'm taking a decision")
+      if threadStates.values.forall {
+          case e: Wait => true
+          case _       => false
+        }
+      then
+        val waiting = threadStates.keys.map(_.toString).mkString(", ")
+        val s = if threadStates.size > 1 then "s" else ""
+        val are = if threadStates.size > 1 then "are" else "is"
+        throw new Exception(
+          s"Deadlock: Thread$s $waiting $are waiting but all others have ended and cannot notify them."
+        )
+      else
+        // Threads can be in Wait, Sync, SyncUnique, and VariableReadWrite mode.
+        // Let's determine which ones can continue.
+        val notFree =
+          threadStates.collect { case (id, state) => state.locks }.flatten.toSet
+        val threadsNotBlocked = threadStates.toSeq.filter {
+          case (id, v: VariableReadWrite) => true
+          case (id, v: CanContinueIfAcquiresLock) =>
+            !notFree(v.lockToAquire) || (v.locks contains v.lockToAquire)
+          case _ => false
+        }
+        if threadsNotBlocked.isEmpty then
+          val waiting = threadStates.keys.map(_.toString).mkString(", ")
+          val s = if threadStates.size > 1 then "s" else ""
+          val are = if threadStates.size > 1 then "are" else "is"
+          val whoHasLock = threadStates.toSeq.flatMap { case (id, state) =>
+            state.locks.map(lock => (lock, id))
+          }.toMap
+          val reason = threadStates
+            .collect {
+              case (id, state: CanContinueIfAcquiresLock)
+                  if !notFree(state.lockToAquire) =>
+                s"Thread $id is waiting on lock ${state.lockToAquire} held by thread ${whoHasLock(state.lockToAquire)}"
+            }
+            .mkString("\n")
+          throw new Exception(
+            s"Deadlock: Thread$s $waiting are interlocked. Indeed:\n$reason"
+          )
+        else if threadsNotBlocked.size == 1
+        then // Do not consume the schedule if only one thread can execute.
+          Some(threadsNotBlocked(0))
+        else
+          val next = schedule.indexWhere(t =>
+            threadsNotBlocked.exists { case (id, state) => id == t }
+          )
+          if next != -1 then
+            // println(s"$threadId: schedule is $schedule, next chosen is ${schedule(next)}")
+            val chosenOne = schedule(
+              next
+            ) // TODO: Make schedule a mutable list.
+            schedule = schedule.take(next) ++ schedule.drop(next + 1)
+            Some((chosenOne, threadStates(chosenOne)))
+          else
+            threadPreference = (threadPreference + 1) % threadsNotBlocked.size
+            val chosenOne = threadsNotBlocked(
+              threadPreference
+            ) // Maybe another strategy
+            Some(chosenOne)
+            // threadsNotBlocked.indexOf(threadId) >= 0
+            /*
+            val tnb = threadsNotBlocked.map(_._1).mkString(",")
+            val s = if (schedule.isEmpty) "empty" else schedule.mkString(",")
+            val only = if (schedule.isEmpty) "" else " only"
+            throw new Exception(s"The schedule is $s but$only threads ${tnb} can continue")*/
+    else canContinue
+  /** This will be called before a schedulable operation begins. This should not
+    * use synchronized
+    */
+  var numThreadsWaiting = new AtomicInteger(0)
+  // var waitingForDecision = Map[Int, Option[Int]]() // Mapping from thread ids to a number indicating who is going to make the choice.
+  var canContinue: Option[(Int, ThreadState)] =
+    None // The result of the decision thread Id of the thread authorized to continue.
+  private def waitForTurn =
+    synchronized {
+      if numThreadsWaiting.incrementAndGet() == threadStates.size then
+        canContinue = decide()
+        notifyAll()
+      // waitingForDecision(threadId) = Some(numThreadsWaiting)
+      // println(s"$threadId Entering waiting with ticket number $numThreadsWaiting/${waitingForDecision.size}")
+      while !canProceed() do wait()
+    }
+    numThreadsWaiting.decrementAndGet()
+  /** To be invoked when a thread is about to complete
+    */
+  private def removeFromSchedule(fakeid: Int) = synchronized {
+    // println(s"$fakeid: I'm taking a decision because I finished")
+    schedule = schedule.filterNot(_ == fakeid)
+    threadStates -= fakeid
+    if numThreadsWaiting.get() == threadStates.size then
+      canContinue = decide()
+      notifyAll()
+  }
+  def getOperationLog() = opLog
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/Stats.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/Stats.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ca8fd67fa41a7d22bb3eb0790666908667267aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/Stats.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
+package concpar21final03.instrumentation
+import java.lang.management.*
+/** A collection of methods that can be used to collect run-time statistics */
+object Stats:
+  def timed[T](code: => T)(cont: Long => Unit): T =
+    var t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
+    val r = code
+    cont((System.currentTimeMillis() - t1))
+    r
+  def withTime[T](code: => T): (T, Long) =
+    var t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
+    val r = code
+    (r, (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1))
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/TestHelper.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/TestHelper.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..987f4450fc267cc79c6c6cd5561d3450a0280645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/TestHelper.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+package concpar21final03.instrumentation
+import scala.util.Random
+import scala.collection.mutable.{Map as MutableMap}
+import Stats.*
+object TestHelper:
+  val noOfSchedules = 10000 // set this to 100k during deployment
+  val readWritesPerThread =
+    20 // maximum number of read/writes possible in one thread
+  val contextSwitchBound = 10
+  val testTimeout = 150 // the total time out for a test in seconds
+  val schedTimeout =
+    15 // the total time out for execution of a schedule in secs
+  // Helpers
+  /*def testManySchedules(op1: => Any): Unit = testManySchedules(List(() => op1))
+  def testManySchedules(op1: => Any, op2: => Any): Unit = testManySchedules(List(() => op1, () => op2))
+  def testManySchedules(op1: => Any, op2: => Any, op3: => Any): Unit = testManySchedules(List(() => op1, () => op2, () => op3))
+  def testManySchedules(op1: => Any, op2: => Any, op3: => Any, op4: => Any): Unit = testManySchedules(List(() => op1, () => op2, () => op3, () => op4))*/
+  def testSequential[T](
+      ops: Scheduler => Any
+  )(assertions: T => (Boolean, String)) =
+    testManySchedules(
+      1,
+      (sched: Scheduler) =>
+        (
+          List(() => ops(sched)),
+          (res: List[Any]) => assertions(res.head.asInstanceOf[T])
+        )
+    )
+  /** @numThreads
+    *   number of threads
+    * @ops
+    *   operations to be executed, one per thread
+    * @assertion
+    *   as condition that will executed after all threads have completed
+    *   (without exceptions) the arguments are the results of the threads
+    */
+  def testManySchedules(
+      numThreads: Int,
+      ops: Scheduler => (
+          List[() => Any], // Threads
+          List[Any] => (Boolean, String)
+      ) // Assertion
+  ) =
+    var timeout = testTimeout * 1000L
+    val threadIds = (1 to numThreads)
+    // (1 to scheduleLength).flatMap(_ => threadIds).toList.permutations.take(noOfSchedules).foreach {
+    val schedules = (new ScheduleGenerator(numThreads)).schedules()
+    var schedsExplored = 0
+    schedules
+      .takeWhile(_ => schedsExplored <= noOfSchedules && timeout > 0)
+      .foreach {
+        // case _ if timeout <= 0 => // break
+        case schedule =>
+          schedsExplored += 1
+          val schedr = new Scheduler(schedule)
+          // println("Exploring Sched: "+schedule)
+          val (threadOps, assertion) = ops(schedr)
+          if threadOps.size != numThreads then
+            throw new IllegalStateException(
+              s"Number of threads: $numThreads, do not match operations of threads: $threadOps"
+            )
+          timed { schedr.runInParallel(schedTimeout * 1000, threadOps) } { t =>
+            timeout -= t
+          } match
+            case Timeout(msg) =>
+              throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
+                "assertion failed\n" + "The schedule took too long to complete. A possible deadlock! \n" + msg
+              )
+            case Except(msg, stkTrace) =>
+              val traceStr = "Thread Stack trace: \n" + stkTrace
+                .map(" at " + _.toString)
+                .mkString("\n")
+              throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
+                "assertion failed\n" + msg + "\n" + traceStr
+              )
+            case RetVal(threadRes) =>
+              // check the assertion
+              val (success, custom_msg) = assertion(threadRes)
+              if !success then
+                val msg =
+                  "The following schedule resulted in wrong results: \n" + custom_msg + "\n" + schedr
+                    .getOperationLog()
+                    .mkString("\n")
+                throw new java.lang.AssertionError("Assertion failed: " + msg)
+      }
+    if timeout <= 0 then
+      throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
+        "Test took too long to complete! Cannot check all schedules as your code is too slow!"
+      )
+  /** A schedule generator that is based on the context bound
+    */
+  class ScheduleGenerator(numThreads: Int):
+    val scheduleLength = readWritesPerThread * numThreads
+    val rands =
+      (1 to scheduleLength).map(i =>
+        new Random(0xcafe * i)
+      ) // random numbers for choosing a thread at each position
+    def schedules(): LazyList[List[Int]] =
+      var contextSwitches = 0
+      var contexts =
+        List[Int]() // a stack of thread ids in the order of context-switches
+      val remainingOps = MutableMap[Int, Int]()
+      remainingOps ++= (1 to numThreads).map(i =>
+        (i, readWritesPerThread)
+      ) // num ops remaining in each thread
+      val liveThreads = (1 to numThreads).toSeq.toBuffer
+      /** Updates remainingOps and liveThreads once a thread is chosen for a
+        * position in the schedule
+        */
+      def updateState(tid: Int): Unit =
+        val remOps = remainingOps(tid)
+        if remOps == 0 then liveThreads -= tid
+        else remainingOps += (tid -> (remOps - 1))
+      val schedule = rands.foldLeft(List[Int]()) {
+        case (acc, r) if contextSwitches < contextSwitchBound =>
+          val tid = liveThreads(r.nextInt(liveThreads.size))
+          contexts match
+            case prev :: tail
+                if prev != tid => // we have a new context switch here
+              contexts +:= tid
+              contextSwitches += 1
+            case prev :: tail =>
+            case _ => // init case
+              contexts +:= tid
+          updateState(tid)
+          acc :+ tid
+        case (
+              acc,
+              _
+            ) => // here context-bound has been reached so complete the schedule without any more context switches
+          if !contexts.isEmpty then
+            contexts = contexts.dropWhile(remainingOps(_) == 0)
+          val tid = contexts match
+            case top :: tail => top
+            case _ =>
+              liveThreads(
+                0
+              ) // here, there has to be threads that have not even started
+          updateState(tid)
+          acc :+ tid
+      }
+      schedule #:: schedules()
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/TestUtils.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/TestUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c9534b81cd3123661c6767df378422fb8a0c959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/instrumentation/TestUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package concpar21final03.instrumentation
+import scala.concurrent.*
+import scala.concurrent.duration.*
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+object TestUtils:
+  def failsOrTimesOut[T](action: => T): Boolean =
+    val asyncAction = Future {
+      action
+    }
+    try Await.result(asyncAction, 2000.millisecond)
+    catch case _: Throwable => return true
+    return false
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/overrides.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/overrides.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd9c8b9a985d04ca38fe169e573a9aee0db86010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar21final03/overrides.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+package concpar21final03
+import instrumentation.*
+class SchedulableThreadMap[A](val scheduler: Scheduler)
+    extends ThreadMap[A]
+    with MockedMonitor:
+  override def currentThreadHasValue: Boolean = scheduler.exec {
+    super.currentThreadHasValue
+  }("", Some(res => s"currentThreadHasValue is $res"))
+  override def currentThreadValue: Option[A] = scheduler.exec {
+    super.currentThreadValue
+  }("", Some(res => s"currentThreadValue is $res"))
+  override def setCurrentThreadValue(value: A): Unit = scheduler.exec {
+    super.setCurrentThreadValue(value)
+  }(s"setCurrentThreadValue($value)")
+  override def deleteCurrentThreadValue(): Unit = scheduler.exec {
+    super.deleteCurrentThreadValue()
+  }("deleteCurrentThreadValue()")
+  override def waitForall(predicate: A => Boolean): Unit = scheduler.exec {
+    super.waitForall(predicate)
+  }("waitForall")
+  def allValues: List[A] = synchronized {
+    theMap.values.toList
+  }
+end SchedulableThreadMap
+class SchedulableRCU(scheduler: Scheduler) extends RCU with LockFreeMonitor:
+  override protected val latestVersion =
+    SchedulableAtomicLong(0, scheduler, "latestVersion")
+  override protected val readersVersion: ThreadMap[Long] = SchedulableThreadMap(
+    scheduler
+  )
+class SchedulableInMemoryFileSystem(scheduler: Scheduler)
+    extends InMemoryFileSystem:
+  override def createFile(file: FileName, content: String): Unit =
+    scheduler.exec {
+      super.createFile(file, content)
+    }(s"createFile($file)")
+  override def readFile(file: FileName): String = scheduler.exec {
+    super.readFile(file)
+  }(s"readFile($file)")
+  override def deleteFile(file: FileName): Unit = scheduler.exec {
+    super.deleteFile(file)
+  }(s"deleteFile($file)")
+class SchedulableUpdateServer(scheduler: Scheduler, fs: InMemoryFileSystem)
+    extends UpdateServer(fs)
+    with LockFreeMonitor:
+  override val rcu = SchedulableRCU(scheduler)
+class SchedulableAtomicLong(initial: Long, scheduler: Scheduler, name: String)
+    extends AtomicLong(initial):
+  override def get: Long = scheduler.exec {
+    super.get
+  }(s"", Some(res => s"$name: get $res"))
+  override def set(value: Long): Unit = scheduler.exec {
+    super.set(value)
+  }(s"$name: set $value", None)
+  override def incrementAndGet(): Long = scheduler.exec {
+    super.incrementAndGet()
+  }(s"", Some(res => s"$name: incrementAndGet $res"))
+  override def getAndIncrement(): Long = scheduler.exec {
+    super.getAndIncrement()
+  }(s"", Some(res => s"$name: getandIncrement $res"))
+  override def compareAndSet(expected: Long, newValue: Long): Boolean =
+    scheduler.exec {
+      super.compareAndSet(expected, newValue)
+    }(
+      s"$name: compareAndSet(expected = $expected, newValue = $newValue)",
+      Some(res => s"$name: Did it set? $res")
+    )
+end SchedulableAtomicLong
+class SchedulableAtomicReference[T](
+    initial: T,
+    scheduler: Scheduler,
+    name: String
+) extends AtomicReference(initial):
+  override def get: T = scheduler.exec {
+    super.get
+  }(s"", Some(res => s"$name: get $res"))
+  override def set(value: T): Unit = scheduler.exec {
+    super.set(value)
+  }(s"$name: set $value", None)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final01/Problem1Suite.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final01/Problem1Suite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3bc2ce8a205863c1ea1bc3d230ca899adaa6159f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final01/Problem1Suite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+package concpar22final01
+import java.util.concurrent.*
+import scala.util.DynamicVariable
+class Problem1Suite extends AbstractProblem1Suite:
+  test("[Public] fetch simple result without combining (2pts)") {
+    val combiner1 = new DLLCombinerTest
+    combiner1 += 7
+    combiner1 += 2
+    combiner1 += 3
+    combiner1 += 8
+    combiner1 += 1
+    combiner1 += 2
+    combiner1 += 3
+    combiner1 += 8
+    val result = combiner1.result()
+    val array = Array(7, 2, 3, 8, 1, 2, 3, 8)
+    assert(Range(0, array.size).forall(i => array(i) == result(i)))
+  }
+  test("[Public] fetch result without combining (2pts)") {
+    val combiner1 = new DLLCombinerTest
+    combiner1 += 7
+    combiner1 += 2
+    combiner1 += 3
+    combiner1 += 8
+    combiner1 += 1
+    val result = combiner1.result()
+    val array = Array(7, 2, 3, 8, 1)
+    assert(Range(0, array.size).forall(i => array(i) == result(i)))
+  }
+  test("[Public] fetch result after simple combining (2pts)") {
+    val combiner1 = new DLLCombinerTest
+    combiner1 += 7
+    combiner1 += 2
+    val combiner2 = new DLLCombinerTest
+    combiner2 += 3
+    combiner2 += 8
+    val combiner3 = new DLLCombinerTest
+    combiner3 += 1
+    combiner3 += 9
+    val combiner4 = new DLLCombinerTest
+    combiner4 += 3
+    combiner4 += 2
+    val result = combiner1.combine(combiner2).combine(combiner3).combine(
+      combiner4
+    ).result()
+    val array = Array(7, 2, 3, 8, 1, 9, 3, 2)
+    assert(Range(0, array.size).forall(i => array(i) == result(i)))
+  }
+  test("[Public] fetch result - small combiner (2pts)") {
+    val combiner1 = new DLLCombinerTest
+    combiner1 += 4
+    combiner1 += 2
+    combiner1 += 6
+    val result = combiner1.result()
+    val array = Array(4, 2, 6)
+    assert(Range(0, array.size).forall(i => array(i) == result(i)))
+  }
+  // (25+) 15 / 250 points for correct implementation, don't check parallelism
+  test("[Correctness] fetch result - simple combiners (2pts)") {
+    assertCorrectnessSimple()
+  }
+  test("[Correctness] fetch result - small combiners (3pts)") {
+    assertCorrectnessBasic()
+  }
+  test("[Correctness] fetch result - small combiners after combining (5pts)") {
+    assertCorrectnessCombined()
+  }
+  test("[Correctness] fetch result - large combiners (5pts)") {
+    assertCorrectnessLarge()
+  }
+  def assertCorrectnessSimple() =
+    simpleCombiners.foreach(elem => assert(compare(elem._1, elem._2)))
+  def assertCorrectnessBasic() =
+    basicCombiners.foreach(elem => assert(compare(elem._1, elem._2)))
+  def assertCorrectnessCombined() =
+    combinedCombiners.foreach(elem => assert(compare(elem._1, elem._2)))
+  def assertCorrectnessLarge() =
+    largeCombiners.foreach(elem => assert(compare(elem._1, elem._2)))
+  // (25+15+) 25 / 250 points for correct parallel implementation, don't check if it's exactly 1/4 of the array per task
+  private var count = 0
+  private val expected = 3
+  override def task[T](body: => T): ForkJoinTask[T] =
+    count += 1
+    scheduler.value.schedule(body)
+  test("[TaskCount] number of newly created tasks should be 3 (5pts)") {
+    assertTaskCountSimple()
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskCount] fetch result and check parallel - simple combiners (5pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskCountSimple()
+    assertCorrectnessSimple()
+  }
+  test("[TaskCount] fetch result and check parallel - small combiners (5pts)") {
+    assertTaskCountSimple()
+    assertCorrectnessBasic()
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskCount] fetch result and check parallel - small combiners after combining (5pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskCountSimple()
+    assertCorrectnessCombined()
+  }
+  test("[TaskCount] fetch result and check parallel - large combiners (5pts)") {
+    assertTaskCountSimple()
+    assertCorrectnessLarge()
+  }
+  def assertTaskCountSimple(): Unit =
+    simpleCombiners.foreach(elem => assertTaskCount(elem._1, elem._2))
+  def assertTaskCount(combiner: DLLCombinerTest, array: Array[Int]): Unit =
+    try
+      count = 0
+      build(combiner, array)
+      combiner.result()
+      assertEquals(
+        count,
+        expected, {
+          s"ERROR: Expected $expected instead of $count calls to `task(...)`"
+        }
+      )
+    finally count = 0
+  // (25+15+25+) 50 / 250 points for correct implementation that uses only next2 and previous2, and not next and previous
+  test(
+    "[Skip2] fetch parallel result and check skip2 - simple combiners (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskCountSimple()
+    assertSkipSimple()
+    assertCorrectnessSimple()
+  }
+  test("[Skip2] fetch result and check skip2 - simple combiners (10pts)") {
+    assertSkipSimple()
+    assertCorrectnessSimple()
+  }
+  test("[Skip2] fetch result and check skip2 - small combiners (10pts)") {
+    assertSkipSimple()
+    assertCorrectnessBasic()
+  }
+  test(
+    "[Skip2] fetch result and check skip2 - small combiners after combining (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertSkipSimple()
+    assertCorrectnessCombined()
+  }
+  test("[Skip2] fetch result and check skip2 - large combiners (10pts)") {
+    assertSkipSimple()
+    assertCorrectnessLarge()
+  }
+  def assertSkipSimple(): Unit =
+    simpleCombiners.foreach(elem => assertSkip(elem._1, elem._2))
+  def assertSkip(combiner: DLLCombinerTest, array: Array[Int]): Unit =
+    build(combiner, array)
+    combiner.result()
+    assertEquals(
+      combiner.nonSkipped,
+      false, {
+        s"ERROR: Calls to 'next' and 'previous' are not allowed! You should only use 'next2` and 'previous2' in your solution."
+      }
+    )
+  // (25+15+25+50+) 75 / 250 points for correct parallel implementation, exactly 1/4 of the array per task
+  test("[TaskFairness] each task should compute 1/4 of the result (15pts)") {
+    assertTaskFairness(simpleCombiners.unzip._1)
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskFairness] each task should correctly compute 1/4 of the result - simple combiners (15pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskFairness(simpleCombiners.unzip._1)
+    assertCorrectnessSimple()
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskFairness] each task should correctly compute 1/4 of the result - small combiners (15pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskFairness(basicCombiners.unzip._1)
+    assertCorrectnessBasic()
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskFairness] each task should correctly compute 1/4 of the result - small combiners after combining (15pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskFairness(combinedCombiners.unzip._1)
+    assertCorrectnessCombined()
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskFairness] each task should correctly compute 1/4 of the result - large combiners (15pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskFairness(largeCombiners.unzip._1)
+    assertCorrectnessLarge()
+  }
+  def assertTaskFairness(combiners: List[DLLCombiner]): Unit =
+    def assertNewTaskFairness(
+        combiner: DLLCombiner,
+        task: ForkJoinTask[Unit],
+        data: Array[Int]
+    ) =
+      var count = 0
+      var expected = combiner.size / 4
+      task.join
+      count = data.count(elem => elem != 0)
+      assert((count - expected).abs <= 1)
+    def assertMainTaskFairness(
+        combiner: DLLCombiner,
+        task: Unit,
+        data: Array[Int]
+    ) =
+      var count = 0
+      var expected = combiner.size / 4
+      count = data.count(elem => elem != 0)
+      assert((count - expected).abs <= 1)
+    combiners.foreach { elem =>
+      var data = Array.fill(elem.size)(0)
+      assertNewTaskFairness(elem, elem.task1(data), data)
+      data = Array.fill(elem.size)(0)
+      assertNewTaskFairness(elem, elem.task2(data), data)
+      data = Array.fill(elem.size)(0)
+      assertNewTaskFairness(elem, elem.task3(data), data)
+      data = Array.fill(elem.size)(0)
+      assertMainTaskFairness(elem, elem.task4(data), data)
+    }
+  // (25+15+25+50+75+) 60 / 250 points for correct parallel implementation, exactly 1/4 of the array per task, exactly the specified quarter
+  test(
+    "[TaskPrecision] each task should compute specified 1/4 of the result - simple combiners (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskPrecision(simpleCombiners)
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskPrecision] task1 should compute specified 1/4 of the result - simple combiners (5pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskPrecision1(simpleCombiners)
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskPrecision] task2 should compute specified 1/4 of the result - simple combiners (5pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskPrecision2(simpleCombiners)
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskPrecision] task3 should compute specified 1/4 of the result - simple combiners (5pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskPrecision3(simpleCombiners)
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskPrecision] task4 should compute specified 1/4 of the result - simple combiners (5pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskPrecision4(simpleCombiners)
+  }
+  test(
+    "[TaskPrecision] each task should compute specified 1/4 of the result - other combiners (30pts)"
+  ) {
+    assertTaskPrecision(basicCombiners)
+    assertTaskPrecision(combinedCombiners)
+    assertTaskPrecision(largeCombiners)
+  }
+  def assertTaskPrecision(combiners: List[(DLLCombiner, Array[Int])]): Unit =
+    assertTaskPrecision1(combiners)
+    assertTaskPrecision2(combiners)
+    assertTaskPrecision3(combiners)
+    assertTaskPrecision4(combiners)
+  def assertTaskPrecision1(combiners: List[(DLLCombiner, Array[Int])]): Unit =
+    combiners.foreach { elem =>
+      var data = Array.fill(elem._1.size)(0)
+      var ref = Array.fill(elem._1.size)(0)
+      val task1 = elem._1.task1(data)
+      task1.join
+      Range(0, elem._1.size).foreach(i =>
+        (if i < elem._1.size / 2 - 1 && i % 2 == 0 then ref(i) = elem._2(i))
+      )
+      assert(Range(0, elem._1.size / 2 - 1).forall(i => data(i) == ref(i)))
+    }
+  def assertTaskPrecision2(combiners: List[(DLLCombiner, Array[Int])]): Unit =
+    combiners.foreach { elem =>
+      var data = Array.fill(elem._1.size)(0)
+      var ref = Array.fill(elem._1.size)(0)
+      val task2 = elem._1.task2(data)
+      task2.join
+      Range(0, elem._1.size).foreach(i =>
+        (if i < elem._1.size / 2 - 1 && i % 2 == 1 then ref(i) = elem._2(i))
+      )
+      assert(Range(0, elem._1.size / 2 - 1).forall(i => data(i) == ref(i)))
+    }
+  def assertTaskPrecision3(combiners: List[(DLLCombiner, Array[Int])]): Unit =
+    combiners.foreach { elem =>
+      var data = Array.fill(elem._1.size)(0)
+      var ref = Array.fill(elem._1.size)(0)
+      val task3 = elem._1.task3(data)
+      task3.join
+      Range(0, elem._1.size).foreach(i =>
+        (if i > elem._1.size / 2 + 1 && i % 2 == elem._1.size % 2 then
+           ref(i) = elem._2(i))
+      )
+      assert(Range(elem._1.size / 2 + 2, elem._1.size).forall(i =>
+        data(i) == ref(i)
+      ))
+    }
+  def assertTaskPrecision4(combiners: List[(DLLCombiner, Array[Int])]): Unit =
+    combiners.foreach { elem =>
+      var data = Array.fill(elem._1.size)(0)
+      var ref = Array.fill(elem._1.size)(0)
+      val task4 = elem._1.task4(data)
+      Range(0, elem._1.size).foreach(i =>
+        (if i > elem._1.size / 2 + 1 && i % 2 != elem._1.size % 2 then
+           ref(i) = elem._2(i))
+      )
+      assert(Range(elem._1.size / 2 + 2, elem._1.size).forall(i =>
+        data(i) == ref(i)
+      ))
+    }
+trait AbstractProblem1Suite extends munit.FunSuite with LibImpl:
+  def simpleCombiners = buildSimpleCombiners()
+  def basicCombiners = buildBasicCombiners()
+  def combinedCombiners = buildCombinedCombiners()
+  def largeCombiners = buildLargeCombiners()
+  def buildSimpleCombiners() =
+    val simpleCombiners = List(
+      (
+        new DLLCombinerTest,
+        Array(4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5)
+      ),
+      (
+        new DLLCombinerTest,
+        Array(7, 2, 2, 9, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2)
+      ),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(16)(5))
+    )
+    simpleCombiners.foreach(elem => build(elem._1, elem._2))
+    simpleCombiners
+  def buildBasicCombiners() =
+    val basicCombiners = List(
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array(4, 2, 6)),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array(4, 1, 6)),
+      (
+        new DLLCombinerTest,
+        Array(7, 2, 2, 9, 3, 2, 11, 12, 5, 14, 15, 1, 17, 23)
+      ),
+      (
+        new DLLCombinerTest,
+        Array(7, 2, 9, 9, 3, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22)
+      ),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(16)(7)),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(16)(4)),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(5)(3)),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(5)(7)),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(5)(4))
+    )
+    basicCombiners.foreach(elem => build(elem._1, elem._2))
+    basicCombiners
+  def buildCombinedCombiners() =
+    var combinedCombiners = List[(DLLCombiner, Array[Int])]()
+    Range(1, 10).foreach { n =>
+      val array = basicCombiners.filter(elem => elem._1.size == n).foldLeft(
+        Array[Int]()
+      ) {
+        (acc, i) => acc ++ i._2
+      }
+      val empty: DLLCombiner = new DLLCombinerTest
+      val combiner = basicCombiners.filter(elem => elem._1.size == n).map(
+        _._1
+      ).foldLeft(empty) {
+        (acc, c) => acc.combine(c)
+      }
+      combinedCombiners = combinedCombiners :+ (combiner, array)
+    }
+    combinedCombiners
+  def buildLargeCombiners() =
+    val largeCombiners = List(
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(1321)(4) ++ Array.fill(1322)(7)),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(1341)(2) ++ Array.fill(1122)(5)),
+      (
+        new DLLCombinerTest,
+        Array.fill(1321)(4) ++ Array.fill(1322)(7) ++ Array.fill(321)(
+          4
+        ) ++ Array.fill(322)(7)
+      ),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(992321)(4) ++ Array.fill(99322)(7)),
+      (new DLLCombinerTest, Array.fill(953211)(4) ++ Array.fill(999322)(1))
+    )
+    largeCombiners.foreach(elem => build(elem._1, elem._2))
+    largeCombiners
+  def build(combiner: DLLCombinerTest, array: Array[Int]): DLLCombinerTest =
+    array.foreach(elem => combiner += elem)
+    combiner
+  def compare(combiner: DLLCombiner, array: Array[Int]): Boolean =
+    val result = combiner.result()
+    Range(0, array.size).forall(i => array(i) == result(i))
+  def buildAndCompare(combiner: DLLCombinerTest, array: Array[Int]): Boolean =
+    array.foreach(elem => combiner += elem)
+    val result = combiner.result()
+    Range(0, array.size).forall(i => array(i) == result(i))
+trait LibImpl extends Problem1:
+  val forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool
+  abstract class TaskScheduler:
+    def schedule[T](body: => T): ForkJoinTask[T]
+  class DefaultTaskScheduler extends TaskScheduler:
+    def schedule[T](body: => T): ForkJoinTask[T] =
+      val t = new RecursiveTask[T]:
+        def compute = body
+      Thread.currentThread match
+        case wt: ForkJoinWorkerThread =>
+          t.fork()
+        case _ =>
+          forkJoinPool.execute(t)
+      t
+  val scheduler = new DynamicVariable[TaskScheduler](new DefaultTaskScheduler)
+  def task[T](body: => T): ForkJoinTask[T] = scheduler.value.schedule(body)
+  class NodeTest(val v: Int, val myCombiner: DLLCombinerTest) extends Node(v):
+    override def getNext: Node =
+      myCombiner.nonSkipped = true
+      next
+    override def getNext2: Node = next2
+    override def getPrevious: Node =
+      myCombiner.nonSkipped = true
+      previous
+    override def getPrevious2: Node = previous2
+    override def setNext(n: Node): Unit = next = n
+    override def setNext2(n: Node): Unit = next2 = n
+    override def setPrevious(n: Node): Unit = previous = n
+    override def setPrevious2(n: Node): Unit = previous2 = n
+  class DLLCombinerTest extends DLLCombinerImplementation:
+    var nonSkipped = false
+    override def result(): Array[Int] =
+      nonSkipped = false
+      super.result()
+    override def +=(elem: Int): Unit =
+      val node = new NodeTest(elem, this)
+      if size == 0 then
+        first = node
+        last = node
+        size = 1
+      else
+        last.setNext(node)
+        node.setPrevious(last)
+        node.setPrevious2(last.getPrevious)
+        if size > 1 then last.getPrevious.setNext2(node)
+        else second = node
+        secondToLast = last
+        last = node
+        size += 1
+    override def combine(that: DLLCombiner): DLLCombiner =
+      if this.size == 0 then that
+      else if that.size == 0 then this
+      else
+        this.last.setNext(that.first)
+        this.last.setNext2(that.first.getNext)
+        if this.last.getPrevious != null then
+          this.last.getPrevious.setNext2(that.first) // important
+        that.first.setPrevious(this.last)
+        that.first.setPrevious2(this.last.getPrevious)
+        if that.first.getNext != null then
+          that.first.getNext.setPrevious2(this.last) // important
+        if this.size == 1 then second = that.first
+        this.size = this.size + that.size
+        this.last = that.last
+        this.secondToLast = that.secondToLast
+        this
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/Problem2Suite.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/Problem2Suite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59248e41e05ba07d9ed18e5edc820a55e613ee6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/Problem2Suite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+package concpar22final02
+import scala.concurrent.*
+import scala.concurrent.duration.*
+import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
+import scala.util.Random
+import instrumentation.SchedulableProblem2
+import instrumentation.TestHelper.*
+import instrumentation.TestUtils.*
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+class Problem2Suite extends munit.FunSuite:
+  val imageSize = 5
+  val nThreads = 3
+  def rowsForThread(threadNumber: Int): Array[Int] =
+    val start: Int = (imageSize * threadNumber) / nThreads
+    val end: Int = (imageSize * (threadNumber + 1)) / nThreads
+    (start until end).toArray
+  test("Should work when barrier is called by a single thread (10pts)") {
+    testManySchedules(
+      1,
+      sched =>
+        val temp = new Problem2(imageSize, 1, 1)
+        (
+          List(() => temp.barrier(0).countDown()),
+          results =>
+            if sched.notifyCount == 0 && sched.notifyAllCount == 0 then
+              val notifyCount = sched.notifyCount
+              val notifyAllCount = sched.notifyAllCount
+              (false, s"No notify call $notifyCount $notifyAllCount")
+            else if temp.barrier(0).count != 0 then
+              val count = temp.barrier(0).count
+              (false, s"Barrier count not equal to zero: $count")
+            else (true, "")
+        )
+    )
+  }
+  test("Should work when a single thread processes a single filter (10pts)") {
+    val temp = new Problem2(imageSize, 1, 1)
+    val buf: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = new ArrayBuffer()
+    for i: Int <- 0 until imageSize do buf += ArrayBuffer.fill(5)(i)
+    temp.imageLib.init(buf)
+    temp.imagePipeline(
+      Array(temp.imageLib.Filter.Outline),
+      Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer1,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+        ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+        ArrayBuffer(2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
+        ArrayBuffer(3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
+        ArrayBuffer(4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
+      )
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer2,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(-2, -3, -3, -3, -2),
+        ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 0, 0, 3),
+        ArrayBuffer(6, 0, 0, 0, 6),
+        ArrayBuffer(9, 0, 0, 0, 9),
+        ArrayBuffer(22, 15, 15, 15, 22)
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  test("Should work when a single thread processes a 2 same filters (15pts)") {
+    val temp = new Problem2(imageSize, 1, 2)
+    val buf: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = new ArrayBuffer()
+    for i: Int <- 0 until imageSize do buf += ArrayBuffer.fill(5)(i)
+    temp.imageLib.init(buf)
+    temp.imagePipeline(
+      Array(temp.imageLib.Filter.Identity, temp.imageLib.Filter.Identity),
+      Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer1,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+        ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+        ArrayBuffer(2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
+        ArrayBuffer(3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
+        ArrayBuffer(4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
+      )
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer2,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+        ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+        ArrayBuffer(2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
+        ArrayBuffer(3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
+        ArrayBuffer(4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work when a single thread processes a 2 different filters (15pts)"
+  ) {
+    val temp = new Problem2(imageSize, 1, 2)
+    val buf: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = new ArrayBuffer()
+    for i: Int <- 0 until imageSize do buf += ArrayBuffer.fill(5)(i)
+    temp.imageLib.init(buf)
+    temp.imagePipeline(
+      Array(temp.imageLib.Filter.Identity, temp.imageLib.Filter.Outline),
+      Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer1,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(-2, -3, -3, -3, -2),
+        ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 0, 0, 3),
+        ArrayBuffer(6, 0, 0, 0, 6),
+        ArrayBuffer(9, 0, 0, 0, 9),
+        ArrayBuffer(22, 15, 15, 15, 22)
+      )
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer2,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+        ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+        ArrayBuffer(2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
+        ArrayBuffer(3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
+        ArrayBuffer(4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  test("Should work when barrier is called by two threads (25pts)") {
+    testManySchedules(
+      2,
+      sched =>
+        val temp = new Problem2(imageSize, 2, 1)
+        (
+          List(
+            () =>
+              temp.barrier(0).countDown()
+              temp.barrier(0).awaitZero()
+            ,
+            () =>
+              temp.barrier(0).countDown()
+              temp.barrier(0).awaitZero()
+          ),
+          results =>
+            if sched.notifyCount == 0 && sched.notifyAllCount == 0 then
+              (false, s"No notify call")
+            else if sched.waitCount == 0 then (false, s"No wait call")
+            else if temp.barrier(0).count != 0 then
+              val count = temp.barrier(0).count
+              (false, s"Barrier count not equal to zero: $count")
+            else (true, "")
+        )
+    )
+  }
+  test("Should work when barrier is called by multiple threads (25pts)") {
+    testManySchedules(
+      nThreads,
+      sched =>
+        val temp = new Problem2(imageSize, nThreads, 1)
+        (
+          (for i <- 0 until nThreads yield () =>
+            temp.barrier(0).countDown()
+            temp.barrier(0).awaitZero()
+          ).toList,
+          results =>
+            if sched.notifyCount == 0 && sched.notifyAllCount == 0 then
+              (false, s"No notify call")
+            else if sched.waitCount == 0 then (false, s"No wait call")
+            else if temp.barrier(0).count != 0 then
+              val count = temp.barrier(0).count
+              (false, s"Barrier count not equal to zero: $count")
+            else (true, "")
+        )
+    )
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work when a single thread processes a multiple same filters (25pts)"
+  ) {
+    val temp = new Problem2(imageSize, 1, 3)
+    val buf: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = new ArrayBuffer()
+    for i: Int <- 0 until imageSize do buf += ArrayBuffer.fill(5)(i)
+    temp.imageLib.init(buf)
+    temp.imagePipeline(
+      Array(
+        temp.imageLib.Filter.Outline,
+        temp.imageLib.Filter.Outline,
+        temp.imageLib.Filter.Outline
+      ),
+      Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer2,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(-128, -173, -107, -173, -128),
+        ArrayBuffer(205, -2, 172, -2, 205),
+        ArrayBuffer(322, -128, 208, -128, 322),
+        ArrayBuffer(55, -854, -428, -854, 55),
+        ArrayBuffer(1180, 433, 751, 433, 1180)
+      )
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer1,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(-16, -22, -18, -22, -16),
+        ArrayBuffer(23, -1, 9, -1, 23),
+        ArrayBuffer(36, -18, 0, -18, 36),
+        ArrayBuffer(29, -67, -45, -67, 29),
+        ArrayBuffer(152, 74, 90, 74, 152)
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  test("Should work when a single thread processes multiple filters (25pts)") {
+    val temp = new Problem2(imageSize, 1, 3)
+    val buf: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = new ArrayBuffer()
+    for i: Int <- 0 until imageSize do buf += ArrayBuffer.fill(5)(i)
+    temp.imageLib.init(buf)
+    temp.imagePipeline(
+      Array(
+        temp.imageLib.Filter.Identity,
+        temp.imageLib.Filter.Outline,
+        temp.imageLib.Filter.Sharpen
+      ),
+      Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer1,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(-2, -3, -3, -3, -2),
+        ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 0, 0, 3),
+        ArrayBuffer(6, 0, 0, 0, 6),
+        ArrayBuffer(9, 0, 0, 0, 9),
+        ArrayBuffer(22, 15, 15, 15, 22)
+      )
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      temp.imageLib.buffer2,
+      ArrayBuffer(
+        ArrayBuffer(-10, -10, -9, -10, -10),
+        ArrayBuffer(11, 0, 3, 0, 11),
+        ArrayBuffer(18, -6, 0, -6, 18),
+        ArrayBuffer(17, -24, -15, -24, 17),
+        ArrayBuffer(86, 38, 45, 38, 86)
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  test("Should work when multiple thread processes a single filter (25pts)") {
+    testManySchedules(
+      nThreads,
+      sched =>
+        val temp = new SchedulableProblem2(sched, imageSize, nThreads, 1)
+        (
+          (for i <- 0 until nThreads
+          yield () =>
+            temp.imagePipeline(
+              Array(temp.imageLib.Filter.Outline),
+              rowsForThread(i)
+            )).toList,
+          results =>
+            val expected_buffer1 = ArrayBuffer(
+              ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+              ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+              ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+              ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+              ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+            )
+            val expected_buffer2 = ArrayBuffer(
+              ArrayBuffer(5, 3, 3, 3, 5),
+              ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 0, 0, 3),
+              ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 0, 0, 3),
+              ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 0, 0, 3),
+              ArrayBuffer(5, 3, 3, 3, 5)
+            )
+            val res_buffer1 = temp.imageLib.buffer1
+            val res_buffer2 = temp.imageLib.buffer2
+            if res_buffer1 != expected_buffer1 then
+              (false, s"Buffer1 expected: $expected_buffer1 , got $res_buffer1")
+            else if res_buffer2 != expected_buffer2 then
+              (false, s"Buffer2 expected: $expected_buffer2 , got $res_buffer2")
+            else (true, "")
+        )
+    )
+  }
+  test("Should work when multiple thread processes two filters (25pts)") {
+    testManySchedules(
+      nThreads,
+      sched =>
+        val temp = new SchedulableProblem2(sched, imageSize, nThreads, 2)
+        (
+          (for i <- 0 until nThreads
+          yield () =>
+            temp.imagePipeline(
+              Array(temp.imageLib.Filter.Outline, temp.imageLib.Filter.Sharpen),
+              rowsForThread(i)
+            )).toList,
+          results =>
+            val expected_buffer1 = ArrayBuffer(
+              ArrayBuffer(19, 7, 9, 7, 19),
+              ArrayBuffer(7, -6, -3, -6, 7),
+              ArrayBuffer(9, -3, 0, -3, 9),
+              ArrayBuffer(7, -6, -3, -6, 7),
+              ArrayBuffer(19, 7, 9, 7, 19)
+            )
+            val expected_buffer2 = ArrayBuffer(
+              ArrayBuffer(5, 3, 3, 3, 5),
+              ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 0, 0, 3),
+              ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 0, 0, 3),
+              ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 0, 0, 3),
+              ArrayBuffer(5, 3, 3, 3, 5)
+            )
+            val res_buffer1 = temp.imageLib.buffer1
+            val res_buffer2 = temp.imageLib.buffer2
+            if res_buffer1 != expected_buffer1 then
+              (false, s"Buffer1 expected: $expected_buffer1 , got $res_buffer1")
+            else if res_buffer2 != expected_buffer2 then
+              (false, s"Buffer2 expected: $expected_buffer2 , got $res_buffer2")
+            else (true, "")
+        )
+    )
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work when multiple thread processes multiple same filters (25pts)"
+  ) {
+    testManySchedules(
+      nThreads,
+      sched =>
+        val temp = new SchedulableProblem2(sched, imageSize, nThreads, 4)
+        val buf: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = new ArrayBuffer()
+        for i: Int <- 0 until imageSize do buf += ArrayBuffer.fill(5)(i)
+        temp.imageLib.init(buf)
+        (
+          (for i <- 0 until nThreads
+          yield () =>
+            temp.imagePipeline(
+              Array(
+                temp.imageLib.Filter.Identity,
+                temp.imageLib.Filter.Identity,
+                temp.imageLib.Filter.Identity,
+                temp.imageLib.Filter.Identity
+              ),
+              rowsForThread(i)
+            )).toList,
+          results =>
+            val expected_buffer1 = ArrayBuffer(
+              ArrayBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+              ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+              ArrayBuffer(2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
+              ArrayBuffer(3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
+              ArrayBuffer(4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
+            )
+            val expected_buffer2 = ArrayBuffer(
+              ArrayBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+              ArrayBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+              ArrayBuffer(2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
+              ArrayBuffer(3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
+              ArrayBuffer(4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
+            )
+            val res_buffer1 = temp.imageLib.buffer1
+            val res_buffer2 = temp.imageLib.buffer2
+            if res_buffer1 != expected_buffer1 then
+              (false, s"Buffer1 expected: $expected_buffer1 , got $res_buffer1")
+            else if res_buffer2 != expected_buffer2 then
+              (false, s"Buffer2 expected: $expected_buffer2 , got $res_buffer2")
+            else (true, "")
+        )
+    )
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work when multiple thread processes multiple different filters (25pts)"
+  ) {
+    testManySchedules(
+      nThreads,
+      sched =>
+        val temp = new SchedulableProblem2(sched, imageSize, nThreads, 4)
+        val buf: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = new ArrayBuffer()
+        for i: Int <- 0 until imageSize do buf += ArrayBuffer.fill(5)(i)
+        temp.imageLib.init(buf)
+        (
+          (for i <- 0 until nThreads
+          yield () =>
+            temp.imagePipeline(
+              Array(
+                temp.imageLib.Filter.Outline,
+                temp.imageLib.Filter.Sharpen,
+                temp.imageLib.Filter.Identity,
+                temp.imageLib.Filter.Sharpen
+              ),
+              rowsForThread(i)
+            )).toList,
+          results =>
+            val expected_buffer1 = ArrayBuffer(
+              ArrayBuffer(-51, -31, -28, -31, -51),
+              ArrayBuffer(47, 2, 24, 2, 47),
+              ArrayBuffer(68, -24, 24, -24, 68),
+              ArrayBuffer(5, -154, -72, -154, 5),
+              ArrayBuffer(375, 83, 164, 83, 375)
+            )
+            val expected_buffer2 = ArrayBuffer(
+              ArrayBuffer(-10, -10, -9, -10, -10),
+              ArrayBuffer(11, 0, 3, 0, 11),
+              ArrayBuffer(18, -6, 0, -6, 18),
+              ArrayBuffer(17, -24, -15, -24, 17),
+              ArrayBuffer(86, 38, 45, 38, 86)
+            )
+            val res_buffer1 = temp.imageLib.buffer1
+            val res_buffer2 = temp.imageLib.buffer2
+            if res_buffer1 != expected_buffer1 then
+              (false, s"Buffer1 expected: $expected_buffer1 , got $res_buffer1")
+            else if res_buffer2 != expected_buffer2 then
+              (false, s"Buffer2 expected: $expected_buffer2 , got $res_buffer2")
+            else (true, "")
+        )
+    )
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/MockedMonitor.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/MockedMonitor.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c42f408dca974a200be152281c096f9fdee78d0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/MockedMonitor.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package concpar22final02.instrumentation
+trait MockedMonitor extends Monitor:
+  def scheduler: Scheduler
+  // Can be overriden.
+  override def waitDefault() =
+    scheduler.log("wait")
+    scheduler.waitCount.incrementAndGet()
+    scheduler updateThreadState Wait(this, scheduler.threadLocks.tail)
+  override def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: => T): T =
+    scheduler.log("synchronized check")
+    val prevLocks = scheduler.threadLocks
+    scheduler updateThreadState Sync(
+      this,
+      prevLocks
+    ) // If this belongs to prevLocks, should just continue.
+    scheduler.log("synchronized -> enter")
+    try toExecute
+    finally
+      scheduler updateThreadState Running(prevLocks)
+      scheduler.log("synchronized -> out")
+  override def notifyDefault() =
+    scheduler mapOtherStates { state =>
+      state match
+        case Wait(lockToAquire, locks) if lockToAquire == this =>
+          SyncUnique(this, state.locks)
+        case e => e
+    }
+    scheduler.notifyCount.incrementAndGet()
+    scheduler.log("notify")
+  override def notifyAllDefault() =
+    scheduler mapOtherStates { state =>
+      state match
+        case Wait(lockToAquire, locks) if lockToAquire == this =>
+          Sync(this, state.locks)
+        case SyncUnique(lockToAquire, locks) if lockToAquire == this =>
+          Sync(this, state.locks)
+        case e => e
+    }
+    scheduler.notifyAllCount.incrementAndGet()
+    scheduler.log("notifyAll")
+abstract class ThreadState:
+  def locks: Seq[AnyRef]
+trait CanContinueIfAcquiresLock extends ThreadState:
+  def lockToAquire: AnyRef
+case object Start extends ThreadState:
+  def locks: Seq[AnyRef] = Seq.empty
+case object End extends ThreadState:
+  def locks: Seq[AnyRef] = Seq.empty
+case class Wait(lockToAquire: AnyRef, locks: Seq[AnyRef]) extends ThreadState
+case class SyncUnique(lockToAquire: AnyRef, locks: Seq[AnyRef])
+    extends ThreadState
+    with CanContinueIfAcquiresLock
+case class Sync(lockToAquire: AnyRef, locks: Seq[AnyRef])
+    extends ThreadState
+    with CanContinueIfAcquiresLock
+case class Running(locks: Seq[AnyRef]) extends ThreadState
+case class VariableReadWrite(locks: Seq[AnyRef]) extends ThreadState
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/SchedulableBarrier.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/SchedulableBarrier.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a14587b96699a005681ed720427fb29fae554b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/SchedulableBarrier.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package concpar22final02.instrumentation
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import concpar22final02.*
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+class SchedulableBarrier(val scheduler: Scheduler, size: Int)
+    extends Barrier(size)
+    with MockedMonitor
+class SchedulableProblem2(
+    val scheduler: Scheduler,
+    imageSize: Int,
+    threadCount: Int,
+    numFilters: Int
+) extends Problem2(imageSize, threadCount, numFilters):
+  self =>
+  override val barrier =
+    ArrayBuffer.fill(numFilters)(SchedulableBarrier(scheduler, threadCount))
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/Scheduler.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/Scheduler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0dee02a93f0bc33a06bd29c01d99aac5777e86fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/Scheduler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+package concpar22final02.instrumentation
+import java.util.concurrent.*
+import scala.concurrent.duration.*
+import scala.collection.mutable.*
+import Stats.*
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+sealed abstract class Result
+case class RetVal(rets: List[Any]) extends Result
+case class Except(msg: String, stackTrace: Array[StackTraceElement])
+    extends Result
+case class Timeout(msg: String) extends Result
+/** A class that maintains schedule and a set of thread ids. The schedules are
+  * advanced after an operation of a SchedulableBuffer is performed. Note: the
+  * real schedule that is executed may deviate from the input schedule due to
+  * the adjustments that had to be made for locks
+  */
+class Scheduler(sched: List[Int]):
+  val maxOps =
+    500 // a limit on the maximum number of operations the code is allowed to perform
+  var waitCount: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
+  var notifyCount: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
+  var notifyAllCount: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
+  private var schedule = sched
+  var numThreads = 0
+  private val realToFakeThreadId = Map[Long, Int]()
+  private val opLog =
+    ListBuffer[String]() // a mutable list (used for efficient concat)
+  private val threadStates = Map[Int, ThreadState]()
+  /** Runs a set of operations in parallel as per the schedule. Each operation
+    * may consist of many primitive operations like reads or writes to shared
+    * data structure each of which should be executed using the function `exec`.
+    * @timeout
+    *   in milliseconds
+    * @return
+    *   true - all threads completed on time, false -some tests timed out.
+    */
+  def runInParallel(timeout: Long, ops: List[() => Any]): Result =
+    numThreads = ops.length
+    val threadRes = Array.fill(numThreads) { None: Any }
+    var exception: Option[(Throwable, Int)] = None
+    val syncObject = new Object()
+    var completed = new AtomicInteger(0)
+    // create threads
+    val threads = ops.zipWithIndex.map { case (op, i) =>
+      new Thread(
+        new Runnable():
+          def run(): Unit =
+            val fakeId = i + 1
+            setThreadId(fakeId)
+            try
+              updateThreadState(Start)
+              val res = op()
+              updateThreadState(End)
+              threadRes(i) = res
+              // notify the main thread if all threads have completed
+              if completed.incrementAndGet() == ops.length then
+                syncObject.synchronized { syncObject.notifyAll() }
+            catch
+              case e: Throwable
+                  if exception != None => // do nothing here and silently fail
+              case e: Throwable =>
+                log(s"throw ${e.toString}")
+                exception = Some((e, fakeId))
+                syncObject.synchronized { syncObject.notifyAll() }
+            // println(s"$fakeId: ${e.toString}")
+            // Runtime.getRuntime().halt(0) //exit the JVM and all running threads (no other way to kill other threads)
+      )
+    }
+    // start all threads
+    threads.foreach(_.start())
+    // wait for all threads to complete, or for an exception to be thrown, or for the time out to expire
+    var remTime = timeout
+    syncObject.synchronized {
+      timed {
+        if completed.get() != ops.length then syncObject.wait(timeout)
+      } { time =>
+        remTime -= time
+      }
+    }
+    if exception.isDefined then
+      Except(
+        s"Thread ${exception.get._2} crashed on the following schedule: \n" + opLog.mkString(
+          "\n"
+        ),
+        exception.get._1.getStackTrace
+      )
+    else if remTime <= 1
+    then // timeout ? using 1 instead of zero to allow for some errors
+      Timeout(opLog.mkString("\n"))
+    else
+      // every thing executed normally
+      RetVal(threadRes.toList)
+  // Updates the state of the current thread
+  def updateThreadState(state: ThreadState): Unit =
+    val tid = threadId
+    synchronized {
+      threadStates(tid) = state
+    }
+    state match
+      case Sync(lockToAquire, locks) =>
+        if locks.indexOf(lockToAquire) < 0 then waitForTurn
+        else
+          // Re-aqcuiring the same lock
+          updateThreadState(Running(lockToAquire +: locks))
+      case Start      => waitStart()
+      case End        => removeFromSchedule(tid)
+      case Running(_) =>
+      case _          => waitForTurn // Wait, SyncUnique, VariableReadWrite
+  def waitStart(): Unit =
+    // while (threadStates.size < numThreads) {
+    // Thread.sleep(1)
+    // }
+    synchronized {
+      if threadStates.size < numThreads then wait()
+      else notifyAll()
+    }
+  def threadLocks =
+    synchronized {
+      threadStates(threadId).locks
+    }
+  def threadState =
+    synchronized {
+      threadStates(threadId)
+    }
+  def mapOtherStates(f: ThreadState => ThreadState) =
+    val exception = threadId
+    synchronized {
+      for k <- threadStates.keys if k != exception do
+        threadStates(k) = f(threadStates(k))
+    }
+  def log(str: String) =
+    if (realToFakeThreadId contains Thread.currentThread().getId()) then
+      val space = (" " * ((threadId - 1) * 2))
+      val s =
+        space + threadId + ":" + "\n".r.replaceAllIn(str, "\n" + space + "  ")
+      opLog += s
+  /** Executes a read or write operation to a global data structure as per the
+    * given schedule
+    * @param msg
+    *   a message corresponding to the operation that will be logged
+    */
+  def exec[T](primop: => T)(
+      msg: => String,
+      postMsg: => Option[T => String] = None
+  ): T =
+    if !(realToFakeThreadId contains Thread.currentThread().getId()) then primop
+    else
+      updateThreadState(VariableReadWrite(threadLocks))
+      val m = msg
+      if m != "" then log(m)
+      if opLog.size > maxOps then
+        throw new Exception(
+          s"Total number of reads/writes performed by threads exceed $maxOps. A possible deadlock!"
+        )
+      val res = primop
+      postMsg match
+        case Some(m) => log(m(res))
+        case None    =>
+      res
+  private def setThreadId(fakeId: Int) = synchronized {
+    realToFakeThreadId(Thread.currentThread.getId) = fakeId
+  }
+  def threadId =
+    try realToFakeThreadId(Thread.currentThread().getId())
+    catch
+      case e: NoSuchElementException =>
+        throw new Exception(
+          "You are accessing shared variables in the constructor. This is not allowed. The variables are already initialized!"
+        )
+  private def isTurn(tid: Int) = synchronized {
+    (!schedule.isEmpty && schedule.head != tid)
+  }
+  def canProceed(): Boolean =
+    val tid = threadId
+    canContinue match
+      case Some((i, state)) if i == tid =>
+        // println(s"$tid: Runs ! Was in state $state")
+        canContinue = None
+        state match
+          case Sync(lockToAquire, locks) =>
+            updateThreadState(Running(lockToAquire +: locks))
+          case SyncUnique(lockToAquire, locks) =>
+            mapOtherStates {
+              _ match
+                case SyncUnique(lockToAquire2, locks2)
+                    if lockToAquire2 == lockToAquire =>
+                  Wait(lockToAquire2, locks2)
+                case e => e
+            }
+            updateThreadState(Running(lockToAquire +: locks))
+          case VariableReadWrite(locks) => updateThreadState(Running(locks))
+        true
+      case Some((i, state)) =>
+        // println(s"$tid: not my turn but $i !")
+        false
+      case None =>
+        false
+  var threadPreference =
+    0 // In the case the schedule is over, which thread should have the preference to execute.
+  /** returns true if the thread can continue to execute, and false otherwise */
+  def decide(): Option[(Int, ThreadState)] =
+    if !threadStates.isEmpty
+    then // The last thread who enters the decision loop takes the decision.
+      // println(s"$threadId: I'm taking a decision")
+      if threadStates.values.forall {
+          case e: Wait => true
+          case _       => false
+        }
+      then
+        val waiting = threadStates.keys.map(_.toString).mkString(", ")
+        val s = if threadStates.size > 1 then "s" else ""
+        val are = if threadStates.size > 1 then "are" else "is"
+        throw new Exception(
+          s"Deadlock: Thread$s $waiting $are waiting but all others have ended and cannot notify them."
+        )
+      else
+        // Threads can be in Wait, Sync, SyncUnique, and VariableReadWrite mode.
+        // Let's determine which ones can continue.
+        val notFree = threadStates.collect { case (id, state) =>
+          state.locks
+        }.flatten.toSet
+        val threadsNotBlocked = threadStates.toSeq.filter {
+          case (id, v: VariableReadWrite) => true
+          case (id, v: CanContinueIfAcquiresLock) =>
+            !notFree(v.lockToAquire) || (v.locks contains v.lockToAquire)
+          case _ => false
+        }
+        if threadsNotBlocked.isEmpty then
+          val waiting = threadStates.keys.map(_.toString).mkString(", ")
+          val s = if threadStates.size > 1 then "s" else ""
+          val are = if threadStates.size > 1 then "are" else "is"
+          val whoHasLock = threadStates.toSeq.flatMap { case (id, state) =>
+            state.locks.map(lock => (lock, id))
+          }.toMap
+          val reason = threadStates
+            .collect {
+              case (id, state: CanContinueIfAcquiresLock)
+                  if !notFree(state.lockToAquire) =>
+                s"Thread $id is waiting on lock ${state.lockToAquire} held by thread ${whoHasLock(state.lockToAquire)}"
+            }
+            .mkString("\n")
+          throw new Exception(
+            s"Deadlock: Thread$s $waiting are interlocked. Indeed:\n$reason"
+          )
+        else if threadsNotBlocked.size == 1
+        then // Do not consume the schedule if only one thread can execute.
+          Some(threadsNotBlocked(0))
+        else
+          val next =
+            schedule.indexWhere(t =>
+              threadsNotBlocked.exists { case (id, state) => id == t }
+            )
+          if next != -1 then
+            // println(s"$threadId: schedule is $schedule, next chosen is ${schedule(next)}")
+            val chosenOne =
+              schedule(next) // TODO: Make schedule a mutable list.
+            schedule = schedule.take(next) ++ schedule.drop(next + 1)
+            Some((chosenOne, threadStates(chosenOne)))
+          else
+            threadPreference = (threadPreference + 1) % threadsNotBlocked.size
+            val chosenOne =
+              threadsNotBlocked(threadPreference) // Maybe another strategy
+            Some(chosenOne)
+            // threadsNotBlocked.indexOf(threadId) >= 0
+            /*
+            val tnb = threadsNotBlocked.map(_._1).mkString(",")
+            val s = if (schedule.isEmpty) "empty" else schedule.mkString(",")
+            val only = if (schedule.isEmpty) "" else " only"
+            throw new Exception(s"The schedule is $s but$only threads ${tnb} can continue")*/
+    else canContinue
+  /** This will be called before a schedulable operation begins. This should not
+    * use synchronized
+    */
+  var numThreadsWaiting = new AtomicInteger(0)
+  // var waitingForDecision = Map[Int, Option[Int]]() // Mapping from thread ids to a number indicating who is going to make the choice.
+  var canContinue: Option[(Int, ThreadState)] =
+    None // The result of the decision thread Id of the thread authorized to continue.
+  private def waitForTurn =
+    synchronized {
+      if numThreadsWaiting.incrementAndGet() == threadStates.size then
+        canContinue = decide()
+        notifyAll()
+      // waitingForDecision(threadId) = Some(numThreadsWaiting)
+      // println(s"$threadId Entering waiting with ticket number $numThreadsWaiting/${waitingForDecision.size}")
+      while !canProceed() do wait()
+    }
+    numThreadsWaiting.decrementAndGet()
+  /** To be invoked when a thread is about to complete
+    */
+  private def removeFromSchedule(fakeid: Int) = synchronized {
+    // println(s"$fakeid: I'm taking a decision because I finished")
+    schedule = schedule.filterNot(_ == fakeid)
+    threadStates -= fakeid
+    if numThreadsWaiting.get() == threadStates.size then
+      canContinue = decide()
+      notifyAll()
+  }
+  def getOperationLog() = opLog
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/TestHelper.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/TestHelper.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2610f1e2e7c425aa8aa37b40d0091ce7266d45a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/TestHelper.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+package concpar22final02.instrumentation
+import scala.util.Random
+import scala.collection.mutable.{Map as MutableMap}
+import Stats.*
+object TestHelper:
+  val noOfSchedules = 10000 // set this to 100k during deployment
+  val readWritesPerThread =
+    20 // maximum number of read/writes possible in one thread
+  val contextSwitchBound = 10
+  val testTimeout = 240 // the total time out for a test in seconds
+  val schedTimeout =
+    15 // the total time out for execution of a schedule in secs
+  // Helpers
+  /*def testManySchedules(op1: => Any): Unit = testManySchedules(List(() => op1))
+  def testManySchedules(op1: => Any, op2: => Any): Unit = testManySchedules(List(() => op1, () => op2))
+  def testManySchedules(op1: => Any, op2: => Any, op3: => Any): Unit = testManySchedules(List(() => op1, () => op2, () => op3))
+  def testManySchedules(op1: => Any, op2: => Any, op3: => Any, op4: => Any): Unit = testManySchedules(List(() => op1, () => op2, () => op3, () => op4))*/
+  def testSequential[T](ops: Scheduler => Any)(assertions: T => (
+      Boolean,
+      String
+  )) =
+    testManySchedules(
+      1,
+      (sched: Scheduler) =>
+        (
+          List(() => ops(sched)),
+          (res: List[Any]) => assertions(res.head.asInstanceOf[T])
+        )
+    )
+  /** @numThreads
+    *   number of threads
+    * @ops
+    *   operations to be executed, one per thread
+    * @assertion
+    *   as condition that will executed after all threads have completed
+    *   (without exceptions) the arguments are the results of the threads
+    */
+  def testManySchedules(
+      numThreads: Int,
+      ops: Scheduler => (
+          List[() => Any], // Threads
+          List[Any] => (Boolean, String)
+      ) // Assertion
+  ) =
+    var timeout = testTimeout * 1000L
+    val threadIds = (1 to numThreads)
+    // (1 to scheduleLength).flatMap(_ => threadIds).toList.permutations.take(noOfSchedules).foreach {
+    val schedules = (new ScheduleGenerator(numThreads)).schedules()
+    var schedsExplored = 0
+    schedules.takeWhile(_ =>
+      schedsExplored <= noOfSchedules && timeout > 0
+    ).foreach {
+      // case _ if timeout <= 0 => // break
+      case schedule =>
+        schedsExplored += 1
+        val schedr = new Scheduler(schedule)
+        // println("Exploring Sched: "+schedule)
+        val (threadOps, assertion) = ops(schedr)
+        if threadOps.size != numThreads then
+          throw new IllegalStateException(
+            s"Number of threads: $numThreads, do not match operations of threads: $threadOps"
+          )
+        timed { schedr.runInParallel(schedTimeout * 1000, threadOps) } { t =>
+          timeout -= t
+        } match
+          case Timeout(msg) =>
+            throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
+              "assertion failed\n" + "The schedule took too long to complete. A possible deadlock! \n" + msg
+            )
+          case Except(msg, stkTrace) =>
+            val traceStr =
+              "Thread Stack trace: \n" + stkTrace.map(
+                " at " + _.toString
+              ).mkString("\n")
+            throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
+              "assertion failed\n" + msg + "\n" + traceStr
+            )
+          case RetVal(threadRes) =>
+            // check the assertion
+            val (success, custom_msg) = assertion(threadRes)
+            if !success then
+              val msg =
+                "The following schedule resulted in wrong results: \n" + custom_msg + "\n" + schedr
+                  .getOperationLog()
+                  .mkString("\n")
+              throw new java.lang.AssertionError("Assertion failed: " + msg)
+    }
+    if timeout <= 0 then
+      throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
+        "Test took too long to complete! Cannot check all schedules as your code is too slow!"
+      )
+  /** A schedule generator that is based on the context bound
+    */
+  class ScheduleGenerator(numThreads: Int):
+    val scheduleLength = readWritesPerThread * numThreads
+    val rands =
+      (1 to scheduleLength).map(i =>
+        new Random(0xcafe * i)
+      ) // random numbers for choosing a thread at each position
+    def schedules(): LazyList[List[Int]] =
+      var contextSwitches = 0
+      var contexts =
+        List[Int]() // a stack of thread ids in the order of context-switches
+      val remainingOps = MutableMap[Int, Int]()
+      remainingOps ++= (1 to numThreads).map(i =>
+        (i, readWritesPerThread)
+      ) // num ops remaining in each thread
+      val liveThreads = (1 to numThreads).toSeq.toBuffer
+      /** Updates remainingOps and liveThreads once a thread is chosen for a
+        * position in the schedule
+        */
+      def updateState(tid: Int): Unit =
+        val remOps = remainingOps(tid)
+        if remOps == 0 then liveThreads -= tid
+        else remainingOps += (tid -> (remOps - 1))
+      val schedule = rands.foldLeft(List[Int]()) {
+        case (acc, r) if contextSwitches < contextSwitchBound =>
+          val tid = liveThreads(r.nextInt(liveThreads.size))
+          contexts match
+            case prev :: tail
+                if prev != tid => // we have a new context switch here
+              contexts +:= tid
+              contextSwitches += 1
+            case prev :: tail =>
+            case _ => // init case
+              contexts +:= tid
+          updateState(tid)
+          acc :+ tid
+        case (
+              acc,
+              _
+            ) => // here context-bound has been reached so complete the schedule without any more context switches
+          if !contexts.isEmpty then
+            contexts = contexts.dropWhile(remainingOps(_) == 0)
+          val tid = contexts match
+            case top :: tail => top
+            case _ =>
+              liveThreads(
+                0
+              ) // here, there has to be threads that have not even started
+          updateState(tid)
+          acc :+ tid
+      }
+      schedule #:: schedules()
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/TestUtils.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/TestUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c76ec9ba4020737013b5302b7e3af0e61cc8898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final02/instrumentation/TestUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package concpar22final02.instrumentation
+import scala.concurrent.*
+import scala.concurrent.duration.*
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+object TestUtils:
+  def failsOrTimesOut[T](action: => T): Boolean =
+    val asyncAction = Future {
+      action
+    }
+    try Await.result(asyncAction, 2000.millisecond)
+    catch case _: Throwable => return true
+    return false
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final03/EconomicsTest.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final03/EconomicsTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae765a3414de0605d5f3fc33658e045023d8d8d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final03/EconomicsTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package concpar22final03
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import scala.util.Random
+trait EconomicsTest extends Economics:
+  val ownedCards: collection.mutable.Set[Card] = collection.mutable.Set[Card]()
+  def owned(c: Card): Boolean = ownedCards(c)
+  def isMine(c: Card): Boolean = ownedCards(c)
+  override def valueOf(cardName: String): Int = List(1, cardName.length).max
+  /** This is a container for an exact amount of money that can be hold, spent,
+    * or put in the bank
+    */
+  val moneyInMoneyBag = collection.mutable.Map[MoneyBag, Int]()
+  def moneyIn(m: MoneyBag): Int = moneyInMoneyBag.getOrElse(m, 0)
+  /** If you sell a card, at some point in the future you will get some money
+    * (in a bag).
+    */
+  def sellCard(c: Card): Future[MoneyBag] =
+    Future {
+      Thread.sleep(sellWaitTime())
+      synchronized(
+        if owned(c) then
+          ownedCards.remove(c)
+          getMoneyBag(valueOf(c.name))
+        else
+          throw Exception(
+            "This card doesn't belong to you or has already been sold, you can't sell it."
+          )
+      )
+    }
+  /** You can buy any "Scala: The Programming" card by providing a bag of money
+    * with the appropriate amount and waiting for the transaction to take place
+    */
+  def buyCard(bag: MoneyBag, name: String): Future[Card] =
+    Future {
+      Thread.sleep(buyWaitTime())
+      synchronized {
+        if moneyIn(bag) != valueOf(name) then
+          throw Exception(
+            "You didn't provide the exact amount of money necessary to buy this card."
+          )
+        else moneyInMoneyBag.update(bag, 0)
+        getCard(name)
+      }
+    }
+  /** This simple bank account hold money for you. You can bring a money bag to
+    * increase your account, or withdraw a money bag of any size not greater
+    * than your account's balance.
+    */
+  private var balance_ = initialBalance()
+  def balance: Int = balance_
+  def withdraw(amount: Int): Future[MoneyBag] =
+    Future {
+      Thread.sleep(withdrawWaitTime())
+      synchronized(
+        if balance_ >= amount then
+          balance_ -= amount
+          getMoneyBag(amount)
+        else
+          throw new Exception(
+            "You try to withdraw more money than you have on your account"
+          )
+      )
+    }
+  def deposit(bag: MoneyBag): Future[Unit] =
+    Future {
+      Thread.sleep(depositWaitTime())
+      synchronized {
+        if moneyInMoneyBag(bag) == 0 then
+          throw new Exception("You are depositing en empty bag!")
+        else
+          balance_ += moneyIn(bag)
+          moneyInMoneyBag.update(bag, 0)
+      }
+    }
+  def sellWaitTime(): Int
+  def buyWaitTime(): Int
+  def withdrawWaitTime(): Int
+  def depositWaitTime(): Int
+  def initialBalance(): Int
+  def getMoneyBag(i: Int) =
+    val m = MoneyBag()
+    synchronized(moneyInMoneyBag.update(m, i))
+    m
+  def getCard(n: String): Card =
+    val c = Card(n)
+    synchronized(ownedCards.update(c, true))
+    c
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final03/Problem3Suite.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final03/Problem3Suite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac500f92da81591a14b433202aef605546aa4bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final03/Problem3Suite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+package concpar22final03
+import scala.concurrent.duration.*
+import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
+import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+class Problem3Suite extends munit.FunSuite:
+  trait Prob3Test extends Problem3:
+    override val economics: EconomicsTest
+  class Test1 extends Prob3Test:
+    override val economics: EconomicsTest = new EconomicsTest:
+      override def sellWaitTime() = 10
+      override def buyWaitTime() = 20
+      override def depositWaitTime() = 30
+      override def withdrawWaitTime() = 40
+      override def initialBalance() = 0
+  class Test2 extends Prob3Test:
+    override val economics: EconomicsTest = new EconomicsTest:
+      override def sellWaitTime() = 100
+      override def buyWaitTime() = 5
+      override def depositWaitTime() = 50
+      override def withdrawWaitTime() = 5
+      override def initialBalance() = 0
+  class Test3 extends Prob3Test:
+    override val economics: EconomicsTest = new EconomicsTest:
+      val rgen = new scala.util.Random(666)
+      override def sellWaitTime() = rgen.nextInt(100)
+      override def buyWaitTime() = rgen.nextInt(100)
+      override def depositWaitTime() = rgen.nextInt(100)
+      override def withdrawWaitTime() = rgen.nextInt(100)
+      override def initialBalance() = 0
+  class Test4 extends Prob3Test:
+    var counter = 5
+    def next(): Int =
+      counter = counter + 5 % 119
+      counter
+    override val economics: EconomicsTest = new EconomicsTest:
+      override def sellWaitTime() = next()
+      override def buyWaitTime() = next()
+      override def depositWaitTime() = next()
+      override def withdrawWaitTime() = next()
+      override def initialBalance() = next()
+  def testCases = List(new Test1, new Test2)
+  def unevenTestCases = List(new Test3, new Test4)
+  def tot(cards: List[String]): Int =
+    cards.map[Int]((n: String) => n.length).sum
+  def testOk(
+      t: Prob3Test,
+      money: Int,
+      sold: List[String],
+      wanted: List[String]
+  ): Unit =
+    import t.*
+    import economics.*
+    val f = orderDeck(getMoneyBag(money), sold.map(getCard), wanted)
+    val r = Await.ready(f, 3.seconds).value.get
+    assert(r.isSuccess)
+    r match
+      case Success(d) =>
+        assertEquals(d.map(_.name).sorted, wanted.sorted)
+        assertEquals(d.length, wanted.length)
+        assertEquals(isMine(d.head), true)
+      case Failure(e) => ()
+  def testFailure(
+      t: Prob3Test,
+      money: Int,
+      sold: List[String],
+      wanted: List[String]
+  ): Unit =
+    import t.*
+    import economics.*
+    val f = orderDeck(getMoneyBag(money), sold.map(getCard), wanted)
+    val r = Await.ready(f, 3.seconds).value.get
+    assert(r.isFailure)
+    r match
+      case Failure(e: NotEnoughMoneyException) => ()
+      case _ => fail(
+          "Should have thrown a NotEnoughMoneyException exception, but did not"
+        )
+  // --- Without sold cards ---
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when a single card is asked with enough money (no card sold) (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    testCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, 7, Nil, List("Tefeiri")))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when a single card is asked with enough money (no card sold, uneven waiting time) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    unevenTestCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, 7, Nil, List("Tefeiri")))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when multiple cards are asked with enough money (no card sold) (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    testCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, tot(cards), Nil, cards))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when multiple cards are asked with enough money (no card sold, uneven waiting time) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    unevenTestCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, tot(cards), Nil, cards))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when asked duplicates of cards, with enough money (no card sold) (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "aaaa", "aaaa", "dd", "dd", "dd", "dd")
+    testCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, tot(cards), Nil, cards))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when asked duplicates of cards, with enough money (no card sold, uneven waiting time) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "aaaa", "aaaa", "dd", "dd", "dd", "dd")
+    unevenTestCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, tot(cards), Nil, cards))
+  }
+  // --- With sold cards ---
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when a single card is bought and a single of the same price is sold (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    testCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, 0, List("Chandra"), List("Tefeiri")))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when a single card is bought and a single of the same price is sold (uneven waiting time) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    unevenTestCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, 0, List("Chandra"), List("Tefeiri")))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when multiple cards are asked and multiple of matching values are sold (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    val sold = List("1111111", "2", "3333", "44", "55555", "666", "7777")
+    testCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, 0, sold, cards))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when multiple cards are asked and multiple of matching values are sold (uneven waiting time) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    val sold = List("1111111", "2", "3333", "44", "55555", "666", "7777")
+    unevenTestCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, 0, sold, cards))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when multiple cards are asked and multiple of the same total value are sold (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards2 = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    val sold2 = List("111111111", "22", "3", "44", "555555", "666", "777")
+    assert(tot(sold2) == tot(cards2))
+    testCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, 0, sold2, cards2))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when multiple cards are asked and multiple of the same total value are sold (uneven waiting time) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards2 = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    val sold2 = List("111111111", "22", "3", "44", "555555", "666", "777")
+    assert(tot(sold2) == tot(cards2))
+    unevenTestCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, 0, sold2, cards2))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when given money and sold cards are sufficient for the wanted cards (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    val sold = List("11111", "2", "33", "44", "5555", "666", "777")
+    val bagMoney = tot(cards) - tot(sold)
+    testCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, bagMoney, sold, cards))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should work correctly when given money and sold cards are sufficient for the wanted cards (uneven waiting time) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    val sold = List("11111", "2", "33", "44", "5555", "666", "777")
+    val bagMoney = tot(cards) - tot(sold)
+    unevenTestCases.foreach(t => testOk(t, bagMoney, sold, cards))
+  }
+  // --- Failures ---
+  test(
+    "Should return a failure when too little money is provided (no card sold) (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    testCases.foreach(t => testFailure(t, tot(cards) - 1, Nil, cards))
+    testCases.foreach(t => testFailure(t, tot(cards) - 50, Nil, cards))
+  }
+  test(
+    "Should return a failure when too little money or sold cards are provided (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    val cards = List("aaaa", "bbb", "ccccc", "dd", "eeee", "f", "ggggggg")
+    val sold = List("11111", "2", "33", "44", "5555", "666", "777")
+    val bagMoney = tot(cards) - tot(sold)
+    testCases.foreach(t => testFailure(t, bagMoney - 2, sold, cards))
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/scala/concpar22final04/Problem4Suite.scala b/src/test/scala/concpar22final04/Problem4Suite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e2b1c2cbf3edaf3ca1db726c96be79bc1ed2b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/concpar22final04/Problem4Suite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+package concpar22final04
+import akka.actor.*
+import akka.testkit.*
+import akka.pattern.*
+import akka.util.Timeout
+import concurrent.duration.*
+import User.Protocol.*
+import User.Responses.*
+import SongsStore.Protocol.*
+import SongsStore.Responses.*
+import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import java.util.Date
+import scala.util.Random
+class Problem4Suite extends munit.FunSuite:
+  Random.setSeed(42178263)
+  /*+++
+  Random.setSeed(42)
+  test("after receiving GetInfo, should answer with Info (20pts)") {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! GetInfo
+        expectMsg(Info("1", "Ada"))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving GetHomepageData, should answer with the correct HomepageData when there is no liked songs and no activity items (30pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! GetHomepageData
+        expectMsg(HomepageData(List(), List()))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving Like(1), should add 1 to the list of liked songs (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Like(1)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageData
+        expectMsg(HomepageData(List(1), List()))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving Like(1) and then Like(2), the list of liked songs should start with List(2, 1) (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Like(1)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(2)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageData
+        expectMsg(HomepageData(List(2, 1), List()))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving Like(1) and then Like(1), song 1 should be in the list of liked songs only once (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Like(1)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(1)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageData
+        expectMsg(HomepageData(List(1), List()))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving Like(1), Like(2) and then Like(1), the list of liked songs should start with List(2, 1) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Like(1)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(2)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(1)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageData
+        expectMsg(HomepageData(List(2, 1), List()))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving Like(1), Unlike(1) and then Unlike(1), the list of liked songs should not contain song 1 (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Like(1)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(2)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(1)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageData
+        expectMsg(HomepageData(List(2, 1), List()))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving Subscribe(aUser) and then Play(5), should send AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) to aUser (20pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Subscribe(self)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Play(5)
+        expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5)))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving Subscribe(aUser), Subscribe(bUser) and then Play(5), should send AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) to aUser (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Subscribe(self)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        val donald = new TestProbe(system)
+        ada ! Subscribe(donald.ref)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Play(5)
+        expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5)))
+        donald.expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5)))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving Subscribe(aUser), Subscribe(aUser) and then Play(5), should send AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) to aUser only once (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Subscribe(self)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Subscribe(self)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Play(5)
+        expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5)))
+        expectNoMessage()
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving Subscribe(aUser), Unsubscribe(aUser) and then Play(5), should not send AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) to aUser (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Subscribe(self)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Play(5)
+        expectMsg(AddActivity(Activity("1", "Ada", 5)))
+        ada ! Unsubscribe(self)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Play(5)
+        expectNoMessage()
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)), Activity(\"1\", 5) should be in the activity feed (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! AddActivity(Activity("0", "Self", 5))
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageData
+        expectMsg(HomepageData(List(), List(Activity("0", "Self", 5))))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 5)) and AddActivity(Activity(\"1\", 6)), Activity(\"1\", 6) should be in the activity feed and Activity(\"1\", 5) should not (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! AddActivity(Activity("0", "Self", 5))
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! AddActivity(Activity("0", "Self", 6))
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageData
+        expectMsg(HomepageData(List(), List(Activity("0", "Self", 6))))
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with a result containing \"Howdy $name!\" where $name is the user's name (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        val name = Random.alphanumeric.take(5).mkString
+        val randomUser =
+          system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "5", name, songsStore), "user-5")
+        randomUser ! GetHomepageText
+        expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.contains(f"Howdy $name!")
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct names of liked songs (1) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Like(8)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(3)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(2)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageText
+        assertEquals(
+          expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator
+            .drop(2)
+            .take(4)
+            .mkString("\n")
+            .trim,
+          """
+          |Liked Songs:
+          |* Sunny by Boney M.
+          |* J'irai où tu iras by Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman
+          |* Hold the line by TOTO
+          """.stripMargin.trim
+        )
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct names of liked songs (2) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Like(9)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(7)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageText
+        assertEquals(
+          expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator
+            .drop(2)
+            .take(3)
+            .mkString("\n")
+            .trim,
+          """
+          |Liked Songs:
+          |* Straight Edge by Minor Threat
+          |* Anarchy in the UK by Sex Pistols
+          """.stripMargin.trim
+        )
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct activity feed (1) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        bob ! Subscribe(ada)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        carol ! Subscribe(ada)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        donald ! Subscribe(ada)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        bob ! Play(3)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        carol ! Play(8)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageText
+        assertEquals(
+          expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator
+            .drop(4)
+            .take(10)
+            .mkString("\n")
+            .trim,
+          """
+          |Activity Feed:
+          |* Carol is listening to Hold the line by TOTO
+          |* Bob is listening to J'irai où tu iras by Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman
+          """.stripMargin.trim
+        )
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct activity feed (2) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        bob ! Subscribe(ada)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        carol ! Subscribe(ada)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        donald ! Subscribe(ada)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        bob ! Play(9)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        carol ! Play(10)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        donald ! Play(6)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        bob ! Play(7)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageText
+        assertEquals(
+          expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator
+            .drop(4)
+            .take(10)
+            .mkString("\n")
+            .trim,
+          """
+          |Activity Feed:
+          |* Bob is listening to Straight Edge by Minor Threat
+          |* Donald is listening to Désenchantée by Mylène Farmer
+          |* Carol is listening to Breakfast in America by Supertramp
+          """.stripMargin.trim
+        )
+  }
+  test(
+    "after receiving GetHomepageText, should answer with the correct text (full test) (10pts)"
+  ) {
+    new MyTestKit:
+      def tests() =
+        ada ! Like(1)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! Like(2)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        bob ! Subscribe(ada)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        carol ! Subscribe(ada)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        donald ! Subscribe(ada)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        donald ! Play(3)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        bob ! Play(4)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        carol ! Play(5)
+        expectNoMessage()
+        ada ! GetHomepageText
+        assertEquals(
+          expectMsgClass(classOf[HomepageText]).result.linesIterator
+            .mkString("\n")
+            .trim,
+          """
+          |Howdy Ada!
+          |
+          |Liked Songs:
+          |* Sunny by Boney M.
+          |* High Hopes by Pink Floyd
+          |
+          |Activity Feed:
+          |* Carol is listening to Strobe by deadmau5
+          |* Bob is listening to Ce monde est cruel by Vald
+          |* Donald is listening to J'irai où tu iras by Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman
+          """.stripMargin.trim
+        )
+  }
+  abstract class MyTestKit
+      extends TestKit(ActorSystem("TestSystem"))
+      with ImplicitSender:
+    val songsStore = system.actorOf(Props(MockSongsStore()), "songsStore")
+    def makeAda() =
+      system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "1", "Ada", songsStore), "user-1")
+    val ada = makeAda()
+    val bob =
+      system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "2", "Bob", songsStore), "user-2")
+    val carol =
+      system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "3", "Carol", songsStore), "user-3")
+    val donald =
+      system.actorOf(Props(classOf[User], "4", "Donald", songsStore), "user-4")
+    def tests(): Unit
+    try tests()
+    finally shutdown(system)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/instrumentation/Stats.scala b/src/test/scala/instrumentation/Stats.scala
index 967bd0a83e2a7e2f1b9a4262c68a6cb1785658ee..81dca0de4e93422823aebfeea37cd9bb31177aad 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/instrumentation/Stats.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/instrumentation/Stats.scala
@@ -2,10 +2,7 @@ package instrumentation
 import java.lang.management.*
-/** A collection of methods that can be used to collect run-time statistics
-  * about Leon programs. This is mostly used to test the resources properties of
-  * Leon programs
-  */
+/** A collection of methods that can be used to collect run-time statistics */
 object Stats:
   def timed[T](code: => T)(cont: Long => Unit): T =
     var t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()