diff --git a/labs/lab1/Sublist.scala b/labs/lab1/Sublist.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a041f6d3cff6623b4d440406662a4d53515d1d27..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/labs/lab1/Sublist.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-import stainless.lang._
-import stainless.collection._
-import stainless.annotation._
- * The definition of List and its operations can be found here:
- * https://github.com/epfl-lara/stainless/blob/64a09dbc58d0a41e49e7dffbbd44b234c4d2da59/frontends/library/stainless/collection/List.scala
- * You should not need them, but you can find some lemmas on List here:
- * https://github.com/epfl-lara/stainless/blob/64a09dbc58d0a41e49e7dffbbd44b234c4d2da59/frontends/library/stainless/collection/ListSpecs.scala
- */
-def sublist[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): Boolean = {
-  (l1, l2) match {
-    case (Nil(), _)                 => true
-    case (_, Nil())                 => false
-    case (Cons(x, xs), Cons(y, ys)) => (x == y && sublist(xs, ys)) || sublist(l1, ys)
-  }
-def main(): Unit = {
-  def example(lhs: List[Int], rhs: List[Int]): Unit = {
-    println(s"${lhs.toScala.mkString("<", ",", ">")} ⊑ ${rhs.toScala.mkString("<", ",", ">")} = ${sublist(lhs, rhs)}")
-  }
-  example(List(0, 2), List(0, 1, 2))
-  example(List(0, 0, 2), List(0, 2))
-  example(List(1, 0), List(0, 0, 1))
-  example(List(10, 5, 25), List(70, 10, 11, 8, 5, 25, 22))
-  example(List(25, 11, 53, 38), List(15, 25, 11, 8, 53, 22, 38))
-object SublistSpecs {
-  /* forall l, sublist(l, l) */
-  def reflexivity[T](l: List[T]): Unit = {
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ =>
-    sublist(l, l)
-  )
-  def leftTail[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): Unit = {
-    require(!l1.isEmpty && sublist(l1, l2))
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ =>
-    sublist(l1.tail, l2)
-  )
-  def tails[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): Unit = {
-    require(!l1.isEmpty && !l2.isEmpty && l1.head == l2.head && sublist(l1, l2))
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ =>
-    sublist(l1.tail, l2.tail)
-  )
-  /* forall l1 l2 l3, sublist(l1, l2) /\ sublist(l2, l3) ==> sublist(l1, l3) */
-  def transitivity[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T], l3: List[T]): Unit = {
-    require(sublist(l1, l2) && sublist(l2, l3))
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ =>
-    sublist(l1, l3)
-  )
-  def lengthHomomorphism[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): Unit = {
-    require(sublist(l1, l2))
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ =>
-    l1.length <= l2.length
-  )
-  def biggerSublist[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): Unit = {
-    require(sublist(l1, l2) && l1.length >= l2.length)
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ =>
-    l1 == l2
-  )
-  def antisymmetry[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): Unit = {
-    require(sublist(l1, l2) && sublist(l2, l1))
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ =>
-    l1 == l2
-  )
-  /* 
-  * ++ is the list concatenation operator.
-  * It is defined here: 
-  * https://github.com/epfl-lara/stainless/blob/64a09dbc58d0a41e49e7dffbbd44b234c4d2da59/frontends/library/stainless/collection/List.scala#L46
-  */
-  def extendRight[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): Unit = {
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ => 
-    sublist(l1, l1 ++ l2)  
-  )
-  def extendLeft[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): Unit = {
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ => 
-    sublist(l2, l1 ++ l2)  
-  )
-  def prepend[T](l: List[T], l1: List[T], l2: List[T]): Unit = {
-    require(sublist(l1, l2))
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ =>
-    sublist(l ++ l1, l ++ l2)  
-  )
-  def append[T](l1: List[T], l2: List[T], l: List[T]): Unit = {
-    require(sublist(l1, l2))
-    /* TODO: Prove me */
-  }.ensuring(_ =>
-    sublist(l1 ++ l, l2 ++ l)  
-  )