diff --git a/week1/02-grading-and-submission.md b/week1/02-grading-and-submission.md
index 8e58fb65e3302c568763043ec6391693c0c1d281..903241018503ecde2cd7e54eb8a9521c56cbf2fd 100644
--- a/week1/02-grading-and-submission.md
+++ b/week1/02-grading-and-submission.md
@@ -3,34 +3,28 @@
 ## Local tests and grading
 Each assignment is shipped with two sets of tests:
-  * The grading tests, provided as a 'black box': you can run them
-    but are not allowed to the their content. You can run them locally (= on
-    your computer) with the `runGradingTests` SBT command. You will get the
-    full score **if and only if** all the grading tests pass.
-  * The tests defined under `src/test/scala`. They can be run with the `test`
-    SBT command and you can - we encourage you to - add your owns.
-We also use a Continuous Integration tool to run the grading system on the
-commits you push on gitlab (explained in the next section). You can see the
-result online (under the *CI/CD > Pipeline* section of your personal gitlab
-repository) and check if your code compiles and runs properly on the grading
-The grading pipeline contains two steps:
-  * *compile*: your code does not compile for grading if the job fail.
-  * *grade*: the job results in a warning if you do not get the maximum grade
-    (10.00/10.00)
-You can click on the jobs to see the logs:
+  * The tests defined under `src/test/scala`, these are usually incomplete: we
+    strongly encourage you to write additional tests to exercise every aspect of
+    your code. You can run these tests from `sbt` using the following command:
+    ```shell
+    test
+    ```
+  * The **grading tests**, that we use to grade your assignments, these are
+    provided as a "black box": you can run them but are not allowed to see their
+    content, to encourage you to write your own tests. You can run them from
+    `sbt` using the following command:
+    ```shell
+    runGradingTests
+    ```
+(remember that you can always put `~` before an sbt command to automatically
+re-run it when you save a file)
 ## Committing and pushing your code
+**You need to push your code to gitlab to receive a grade. If you forget, your
+grade will be zero.**
 If you've read the first few chapters of [Git
 book](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2) as recommended, you must already be
 familiar with committing and pushing, but let's go over the basics once again:
@@ -65,13 +59,22 @@ Note that there are also graphical user interfaces to interact with git, for
 example [VSCode has built-in git
-### Submission
+Once you've pushed your code, you can see the result online (under the *CI/CD >
+Pipeline* section of your personal gitlab repository) and check if your code
+compiles and runs properly on the grading environment.
-You only have to make sure **your commits are pushed to gitlab** and that
-**your code is properly graded in the CI** (i.e. you get a grade): your branch
-will be automatically snapshotted under the `submission-$ASSIGNMENT` tag at the
-deadline. Note that you cannot create, delete or update the `submission-*` tags
-by yourself.
+The grading pipeline contains two steps:
+  * *compile*: your code does not compile for grading if the job fail.
+  * *grade*: the job results in a warning if you do not get the maximum grade
+    (10.00/10.00)
+You can click on the jobs to see the logs:
 ## Troubleshooting