diff --git a/week1/00-grading-and-submission.md b/week1/00-grading-and-submission.md
index 4f7b986a9740e2123d82e36efac35385834c0f89..5eb663db9673c515ccd20d9c85acbefa06337979 100644
--- a/week1/00-grading-and-submission.md
+++ b/week1/00-grading-and-submission.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Each assignment is shipped with two sets of tests:
   * The grading tests, provided as a 'black box': you can run them
     but are not allowed to the their content. You can run them locally (= on
     your computer) with the `runGradingTests` SBT command. You will get the
-    full score if all the grading tests pass.
+    full score **if and only if** all the grading tests pass.
   * The tests defined under `src/test/scala`. They can be run with the `test`
     SBT command and you can - we encourage you to - add your owns.
@@ -68,10 +68,11 @@ support](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/versioncontrol#_git-support).
 ### Submission
-You only have to make sure your commits are pushed on gitlab and that your code
-is properly graded in the CI: your branch will be automatically snapshotted
-under the `submission-$ASSIGNMENT` tag at the deadline. Note that you cannot
-create, delete or update the `submission-*` tags by yourself.
+You only have to make sure **your commits are pushed to gitlab** and that
+**your code is properly graded in the CI** (i.e. you get a grade): your branch
+will be automatically snapshotted under the `submission-$ASSIGNMENT` tag at the
+deadline. Note that you cannot create, delete or update the `submission-*` tags
+by yourself.
 ## Troubleshooting