diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 62a62362c249042da28c732c6713bd387c3bc9e3..2bf21c839e23b53580e81cfa55e527375300a160 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ We will use GitLab's issue tracker as a discussion forum. Feel free to [open an
 # IMPORTANT: First week tasks
-1. [Click here to complete the Doodle to register to the recitation sessions]
-   (https://doodle.com/poll/x3iyh8czww2pcat9)
+1. [Click here to complete the Doodle to register to the recitation sessions](https://doodle.com/poll/x3iyh8czww2pcat9)
 2. Follow the [Tools Setup](week1/tools-setup.md) page.
 3. Do the [example assignment](week1/example.md) (not online yet, check back later).
 4. Do the first graded assignment (not online yet, check back later)