diff --git a/implementations.py b/implementations.py
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..e56919120763b0ea7cc6700b81b48935db633b8f 100644
--- a/implementations.py
+++ b/implementations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+import numpy as np
+### HELPERS : added by quartztz
+def compute_loss_mse(y, tx, w):
+  e = (y - tx @ w)
+  N = tx.shape[0]
+  return 1/(2*N) * (e @ e)
+def compute_gradient_mse(y, tx, w):
+  """
+    Computes the gradient of the MSE loss function. 
+    Args: 
+      y:  ground truth                    (N, )
+      tx: data                            (N, D)
+      w:  weights                         (D, )
+    Returns: 
+      grad: gradient of the loss function (D, )
+  """
+  e = y - tx @ w
+  N = tx.shape[0]
+  return -1/N * (tx.T @ e)
+def compute_gradient_mse_stoch(y, tx, w):
+  """
+    Computes the gradient of the MSE loss function. 
+    Args: 
+      y:  ground truth                    (N, )
+      tx: data                            (N, D)
+      w:  weights                         (D, )
+    Returns: 
+      grad: gradient of the loss function (D, )
+  """
+  e = y - tx @ w
+  N = tx.shape[0]
+  return -1/N * (tx.T * e)
+def softmax(tx, w):
+  return np.exp(tx @ w) / np.sum(np.exp(tx @ w))
+def compute_loss_logistic(y, tx, w):
+  return -np.sum(y.T @ np.log(softmax(tx, w)))
+def compute_gradient_logistic(y, tx, w):
+  return tx.T @ (softmax(tx, w) - y)
+def mean_squared_error_gd(y, tx, initial_w, max_iters, gamma): 
+  # performs the gradient descent on ground data tx, y.
+  # computes the step w <- w - gamma * grad, where grad is the gradient computed
+  # from the given data using the mean squared loss function.
+  w = initial_w
+  for _ in range(max_iters):
+    grad = compute_gradient_mse(y, tx, w)
+    w = w - gamma * grad
+  loss = compute_loss_mse(y, tx, w)
+  return w, loss
+def mean_squared_error_sgd(y, tx, initial_w, max_iters, gamma):
+  '''
+    Performs the stochastic gradient descent on ground data tx, y.
+    Args:
+      y:          ground truth                 (N, )
+      tx:         data                         (N, D)
+      initial_w:  initial weights              (D, )
+      max_iters:  maximum number of iterations (int)
+      gamma:      learning rate                (scalar)
+    Returns:
+      w:          weights      (D, )
+      loss:       loss         (scalar)
+  '''
+  w = initial_w
+  for _ in range(max_iters):
+    idx = np.random.randint(len(y))
+    m_y = y[idx]
+    m_tx = tx[idx]
+    grad = compute_gradient_mse_stoch(m_y, m_tx, w)
+    w = w - gamma * grad
+  loss = compute_loss_mse(y, tx, w)
+  return w, loss
+def least_squares(y, tx):
+  a = tx.T @ tx
+  b = tx.T @ y
+  w = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
+  loss = compute_loss_mse(y, tx, w)
+  return w, loss
+def ridge_regression(y, tx, lambda_):
+  '''
+    Performs ridge regression on the given data. 
+    Args: 
+      y:       ground truth (N, )
+      tx:      data         (N, D)
+      lambda_: regularization parameter (scalar)
+    Returns:
+      w:       weights      (D, )
+      loss:    loss         (scalar)
+  '''
+  N, d = tx.shape[0], tx.shape[1]
+  a = tx.T @ tx + 2 * N * lambda_ * np.eye(d)
+  b = tx.T @ y
+  w = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
+  loss = compute_loss_mse(y, tx, w)
+  return w, loss
+def logistic_regression(y, tx, initial_w, max_iters, gamma):
+  # performs the logistic regression on ground data tx, y.
+  # computes the step w <- w - gamma * grad, where grad is the gradient computed
+  # from the given data using the logistic loss function.
+  w = initial_w
+  for _ in range(max_iters):
+    grad = compute_gradient_logistic(y, tx, w)
+    w = w - gamma * grad
+  loss = compute_loss_logistic(y, tx, w)
+  return w, loss
+def reg_logistic_regression(y, tx, lambda_, initial_w, max_iters, gamma):
+  # performs the regularized logistic regression on ground data tx, y.
+  # computes the step w <- w - gamma * grad, where grad is the gradient computed
+  # from the given data using the regularized logistic loss function.
+  w = initial_w
+  for _ in range(max_iters):
+    grad = compute_gradient_logistic(y, tx, w) + 2 * lambda_ * w
+    w = w - gamma * grad
+  loss = compute_loss_logistic(y, tx, w)
+  return w, loss
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